Easy server monitoring with AWS Lambda (Python) and result notification in Slack

What I wanted to achieve

--As a simple monitoring of the operating server, I want to periodically perform HTTP access and check the result. --I want to run serverless. --Since the IP that accesses the target server is restricted, the monitoring source needs to have a fixed IP. ――I want you to fully automate and be notified only of the monitoring results.

What was finally achieved

--Overall image 全体イメージ

--Place the monitored server data in S3. --The data format is as follows.

	    "servers": [
	        {"name": "Google", "url": "http://www.google.co.jp"},
	        {"name": "Yahoo", "url": "http://www.yahoo.co.jp"}

--ʻRead the above data from AWS Lambda (Python) `and make HTTP access to each server.

--Notify Slack of the monitoring result. --Periodically execute the above with CloudWatch Events --Schedule.

Setting details

VPC settings

――See what you wanted to achieve, as it was completely covered below. - https://www.joyzo.co.jp/blog/2325

IAM settings

--When creating Lambda, select Simple Microservice permissions as the role template. --Attach the policy of ʻAmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess to access S3. --Attach the policy of ʻAWS LambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole to run Lambda on VPC.

CloudWatch Events --Schedule Settings


-Refer to Incoming Webhooks to get the URL for notification to Slack.

AWS Lambda(Python)

--There is room for improvement around error handling.


import json
import requests
import boto3

BUCKET_NAME = 'xxxxxxxxxx'
OBJECT_NAME = 'xxxxxxxxxx/servers.json'
SLACK_POST_URL = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    json_data = __getServers()

def __getServers():
   s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
   obj = s3.Object(BUCKET_NAME, OBJECT_NAME)
   response = obj.get()
   body = response['Body'].read()
   return body.decode('utf-8')

def __check_server(json_data):
    data = json.loads(json_data)
    servers = data['servers']

    has_error = False

    for server in servers:
        name = server['name']
        url = server['url']
        print("Check: " + name)

            r = requests.get(url)
            if r.status_code != 200:
                __send_error_message(name, url)
                has_error = True
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            __send_request_error_message(name, url)
            has_error = True

    if has_error == False:

def __send_error_message(name, url):
    payload = {
        "text": name + '\n' + url + '\n' + '*ERROR!*',
        "icon_emoji": ":x:"

def __send_request_error_message(name, url):
    payload = {
        "text": name + '\n' + url + '\n' + '*Request Error!*',
        "icon_emoji": ":warning:"

def __send_success_message():
    payload = {
        "text": "All Servers OK!",
        "icon_emoji": ":o:"

def __send_message(payload):
        return requests.post(SLACK_POST_URL, json=payload)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        return None

Precautions when setting AWS Lambda (Python)

--Place the library in the same directory as the source code.

pip install requests -t .

--Put the source code and library together in a zip.

zip -r lambda_function.zip *

Miscellaneous feelings

―― With the ability to set a VPC for AWS Lambda, you can run Lambda with a fixed IP address as the data source, which has expanded the range of uses. ――As a handy notification destination, cooperation with Slack is too easy and convenient. --I also tried a method in which the contents of servers.json are packed in the body and executed via ʻAPI Gateway triggered by HTTP POST communication, but in the end it became the current form that is easy to execute regularly.

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