Design and test Verilog in Python only with Veriloggen and cocotb.


I tried to design and test Verilog only with Python without writing Verilog. ** This is the system I tried. ** ** The test was written before cocotb, the design was Veriloggen ) Was used. The environment will be CentOS 6.6.


To use Veriloggen, you need to install Pyverilog, Jinja2 as per the author's blog. I will. Since the processing system is written in Python 3.3, compatibility with cocotb is not good, including the OS environment. Therefore, in my environment, I installed it directly without using virtualenv.

git clone
git clone
sudo pip install jinja2
cd Pyverilog
sudo python3 install
cd ../veriloggen
sudo python3 install
cd ../

cocotb is the same as previously.

This time as well, I created a new working directory in the ʻexample` directory, created rtl and tests directories there, and saved the DUT and tests, respectively. The difference is that I made the ** rtl directory a Python file instead of a Verilog file. ** **

├── model
│   └──
├── rtl
│   └──
└── tests
    ├── Makefile

DUT DUT is the previous 8-bit sequential circuit. The difference from the previous time is that the reset is positive logic and synchronous.

import sys, os
from veriloggen import *

def mkdff():
    m = Module('dff')
    width = m.Parameter('WIDTH', 8)
    clk   = m.Input('CLK')
    rst   = m.Input('RST')
    d     = m.Input('D', width)
    q     = m.OutputReg('Q', width)


    return m

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dff = mkdff()
    verilog = dff.to_verilog()


I changed the reset polarity from the last time.

import cocotb
from cocotb.triggers import Timer, RisingEdge
from cocotb.result import TestFailure
from cocotb.clock import Clock

import random

class DffTB(object):
    def __init__(self, dut, dubug=True):
        self.dut = dut

    def reset(self, duration=10000):"Resetting DUT")
        self.dut.RST <= 1
        self.dut.D <= 0
        yield Timer(duration)
        yield RisingEdge(self.dut.CLK)
        self.dut.RST <= 0"Out of reset")

    def gen_and_check(self):
        D = random.randint(0, 255)
        self.dut.D = D;
        yield RisingEdge(self.dut.CLK)
        yield Timer(1)
        if int(self.dut.Q) != D :
            raise TestFailure(
                "[NG] Compre error. D==%s Q==%s" %  (D, int(self.dut.Q)))
        else :

def clock_gen(signal):
    while True:
        signal <= 0
        yield Timer(5000)
        signal <= 1
        yield Timer(5000)

def basic_test(dut):
    tb = DffTB(dut)
    yield RisingEdge(dut.CLK)
    yield tb.reset()

    for i in range(30):
        yield tb.gen_and_check()

Execution script

Since it was troublesome to connect them, I made it a shell script.


if [ -e ${RTLPATH}/dff.v ]; then
  rm ${RTLPATH}/dff.v

python3 ${RTLPATH}/ > ${RTLPATH}/dff.v



Veriloggen generated the following Verilog code.


module dff #
  parameter WIDTH = 8

  input [0:0] CLK, 
input [0:0] RST, 
input [(WIDTH - 1):0] D, 
output reg [(WIDTH - 1):0] Q

  always @(posedge CLK)
  if(RST) begin        
  Q <= 0;
else begin        
  Q <= D;

The test result by cocotb is also okay.

        TESTCASE= TOPLEVEL=dff \
        vvp -M /tmp/cocotb/build/libs/x86_64 -m gpivpi sim_build/sim.vvp   
     -.--ns INFO     cocotb.gpi                                GpiCommon.cpp:47   in gpi_print_registered_impl       VPI registered
     0.00ns INFO     cocotb.gpi                                  gpi_embed.c:229  in embed_sim_init                  Running on Icarus Verilog version 0.9.6 
     0.00ns INFO     cocotb.gpi                                  gpi_embed.c:230  in embed_sim_init                  Python interpreter initialised and cocotb loaded!
     0.00ns INFO     cocotb.gpi                          in _initialise_testbench           Running tests with Cocotb v1.0 from /tmp/cocotb
     0.00ns INFO     cocotb.gpi                          in _initialise_testbench           Seeding Python random module with 1437305945
     0.00ns INFO     cocotb.regression                 in initialise                      Found test tests.basic_test
     0.00ns INFO     cocotb.regression                 in execute                         Running test 1/1: basic_test
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.coroutine.basic_test.0x2353ed0  in send                            Starting test: "basic_test"
                                                                                                                               Description: basic_test
     5.00ns INFO     cocotb.dff                              in reset                           Resetting DUT
    15.00ns INFO     cocotb.dff                              in reset                           Out of reset
    25.00ns INFO     cocotb.dff                              in gen_and_check                   [OK]
    35.00ns INFO     cocotb.dff                              in gen_and_check                   [OK]


   295.00ns INFO     cocotb.dff                              in gen_and_check                   [OK]
   305.00ns INFO     cocotb.dff                              in gen_and_check                   [OK]
   315.00ns INFO     cocotb.dff                              in gen_and_check                   [OK]
   315.00ns INFO     cocotb.regression                 in handle_result                   Test Passed: basic_test
   315.00ns INFO     cocotb.regression                 in tear_down                       Passed 1 tests (0 skipped)
   315.00ns INFO     cocotb.regression                 in tear_down                       Shutting down...

in conclusion

Let's try it with a bus such as Avalon this time ...

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