Add fake tilt shift effect to video with OpenCV + Python

The source is

A Python script that applies a fake tilt shift effect to video files such as .mov. I used Numpy, Scipy, ʻOpenCV, Pillow`. For Python 2.7.

The principle is simple, just combine the original image and the blurred image while masking it. original orig.png

mask mask.png

Blurred image blur.png

After synthesis out.png

A function that creates a mask.

def gen_mask(sz, t, tc, c, bc):
  bounds = (0,limit_value(int(sz[1]*t),0,sz[1]),limit_value(int(sz[1]*(t+tc)),0,sz[1]),limit_value(int(sz[1]*(t+tc+c)),0,sz[1]),limit_value(int(sz[1]*(t+tc+c+bc)),0,sz[1]),sz[1]);
  mask = np.array('L', sz));
  mask[bounds[0]:bounds[1],:] = 255;
  for i in range(bounds[1],bounds[2]):
    mask[i,:] = 255 - int(255.0/float( bounds[2] - bounds[1] ) * float(i - bounds[1]));
  mask[bounds[3]:bounds[2],:] = 0;
  for i in range(bounds[3],bounds[4]):
    mask[i,:] = int(255.0/float( bounds[4] - bounds[3] ) * float(i - bounds[3]));
  mask[bounds[4]:bounds[5],:] = 255;
  mask = Image.fromarray(mask);
  return mask;

sz is a tuple of(width, height). t, tc, c, bc are numbers from 0.0 to 1.0, t is the upper white area, c is the middle black area, and tc is Between t and c, bc expresses the width of the gradation between c and the white area below, with the overall ratio being 1.0.

I used the gaussian_filter in scipy as it is to generate the blurred image.

def gen_blurred_image(image, blur_factor):
  if blur_factor == 0:
    return image;
  im = np.array(image);
  return Image.fromarray(ndimage.gaussian_filter(im, sigma=[blur_factor, blur_factor, 0]));

It is useless to convert the variable ʻimage to the numpy.arraytype and immediately return it to thePIL ʻImage type just for filtering, but in consideration of other operations It looks like this ... blur_factor is the strength of the blur, given as a floating point number.

After generating the mask and the blurred image, combine them with the paste function of PIL.

def paste_image(base, layer, mask):
  im = base;
  im.paste(layer, mask = mask);
  return im;

Once you're ready, all you have to do is open the video and apply the same processing every frame.

  cap = cv2.VideoCapture('');
  orig_size = (int(cap.get(,int(cap.get(;
  out = cv2.VideoWriter('','m','p','4','v'), int(cap.get(, orig_size);
  mask = gen_mask(orig_size, 0.4, 0.15, 0.05, 0.1);
  while cap.isOpened():
    ret,im_orig =;
    if ret == True:
      im = Image.fromarray(im_orig);
      im_blur = gen_blurred_image(im, 2.0);
      im = np.array(paste_image(im, im_blur, mask));
      cv2.imshow('view', im);
      key = cv2.waitKey(1);
      if key == 27:


The version in the repository handles input options, etc., so the number of lines is large, but in essence it is like this. I also adjust the image quality and saturation. The last key == 27 in the loop ends prematurely with ʻesc`.

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