[PYTHON] Easy Grad-CAM with pytorch-gradcam

Easily run Grad-CAM with pytorch-gradcam

There is a CNN visualization technology called Grad-CAM, which allows you to visualize which features are used for classification when classifying images. By doing this, we will consider the basis of the classification rules, and in some cases, we will use it for marketing etc. based on the knowledge obtained from it.

Below is the result of visualizing the features that are of interest to an image using VGG16.

スクリーンショット 2020-04-28 17.31.13.png

This implementation procedure is realized in the following form.

--Global Average Pooling in front of the convolutional output layer --Determine the weight of each channel in the final layer in a class --Multiply each channel according to the weight and add --Pass them through the Relu function

(Here is the material that I referred to when implementing it myself: Visualization of CNN by Grad-CAM with PyTorch.)

Initially, I used pytorch to code by myself, but if it was learned by parallel GPU, torch.nn.DataParallel wrapped the model and the hierarchical structure of the model changed, or I chose it by fine tuning. However, the definition of the module is different depending on the network ... I think that I have coding ability, but every time I use a different network, it is annoying sweat

I was wondering if anyone had made a library that could easily run Grad-CAM with pytorch without feeling stress, and I was fishing last week.


It can visualize the results of GradCAM and GradCAM ++, and supports alexnet, vgg, resnet, densenet, and squeezenet. Thank you very much!

** Moreover, the installation method is easy, pip install pytorch-gradcam Just do! ** **

Although it is the source code, it can be visualized by executing as follows (in the source code, the trained model is loaded with the dataset already using densenet161, and it becomes the trained model of 5 class classification). ..

# Basic Modules
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# PyTorch Modules
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision
from torchvision import transforms, datasets
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from torch.utils.data.dataset import Subset
import torchvision.models as models
import torch.optim as optim
from torchvision.utils import make_grid, save_image

# Grad-CAM
from gradcam.utils import visualize_cam
from gradcam import GradCAM, GradCAMpp

device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available()  else "cpu")
model = models.densenet161(pretrained=True)
model.fc = nn.Linear(2048,5)
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model).to(device)

# Grad-CAM
target_layer = model.module.features
gradcam = GradCAM(model, target_layer)
gradcam_pp = GradCAMpp(model, target_layer)

images = []
#Assuming you are calling a validation dataset for a label
for path in glob.glob("{}/label1/*".format(config['dataset'])):
    img = Image.open(path)
    torch_img = transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Resize((224, 224)),
    normed_torch_img = transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])(torch_img)[None]
    mask, _ = gradcam(normed_torch_img)
    heatmap, result = visualize_cam(mask, torch_img)

    mask_pp, _ = gradcam_pp(normed_torch_img)
    heatmap_pp, result_pp = visualize_cam(mask_pp, torch_img)
    images.extend([torch_img.cpu(), heatmap, heatmap_pp, result, result_pp])
grid_image = make_grid(images, nrow=5)

#View results

The place to be careful is that you need to specify the target layer in the part of target_layer = model.module.features, but refer to utils.py on Github and name the target_layer corresponding to each network model. You can look it up ---> utils.py. The following is an excerpt of a part written in utils.py as it is, but the name of target_layer is described for each supported network.

| @register_layer_finder('densenet') |
| def find_densenet_layer(arch, target_layer_name): |
|     """Find densenet layer to calculate GradCAM and GradCAM++ |
|     Args: |
|         arch: default torchvision densenet models |
|         target_layer_name (str): the name of layer with its hierarchical information. please refer to usages below. |
|             target_layer_name = 'features' |
|             target_layer_name = 'features_transition1' |
|             target_layer_name = 'features_transition1_norm' |
|             target_layer_name = 'features_denseblock2_denselayer12' |
|             target_layer_name = 'features_denseblock2_denselayer12_norm1' |
|             target_layer_name = 'features_denseblock2_denselayer12_norm1' |
|             target_layer_name = 'classifier' |
|     Return: |
|         target_layer: found layer. this layer will be hooked to get forward/backward pass information. |
|     """ |

Also, the reason why the module is put before the feature in target_layer = model.module.features is because we are using the trained model on the parallel GPU using DataParallel. If you want to know more, please refer to here for the points of stumbling on parallel GPU [PyTorch] The point of stumbling on parallel GPU using DataParallel / 12/08 / post-110 /). You don't need a module unless you have created a learning model in the form of a parallel GPU.


This time, I introduced a module to easily perform Grad-CAM with pytorch.

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