[PYTHON] Easy proxy login with django-hijack


This article is the 14th day of Django Advent Calendar 2016.

What to do here

I was taught by @salexkidd at the previous Tokyo Django Meetup # 9.

What is django-hijack?


admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials.

Super_user can log in as a proxy without knowing the password.

It is a function that is appreciated for service development, such as defect investigation under specific conditions and confirmation of screens that are displayed differently for each user.

You can also see it in the "ADMIN INTERFACE" section of AWESOME DJANGO.

What is django-hijack-admin?


Django admin site integration for Django Hijack

The guy who makes django-hijack available from Django's admin screen.

django-hijack only provides login functionality from the following endpoints:

By using django-hijack-admin, you can log in as a proxy from the user management screen with the touch of a button.


in conclusion

I briefly introduced django-hijack. You can implement proxy login in less than 5 minutes with django-hijack, so give it a try!

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