2014 Web Application Framework Trends (PHP / Java / Ruby / Python / Perl)


The day before yesterday, I was confused by the feed that the side back shot on the front line in FIFA 15 and it became a super long shot of over 80m.

Now, to change the story, according to the TIOBE Programming Community Index as of December 2014, it is the same as last year. The programming language that ranks the most in comparison is ** Visual Basic **, isn't it?

Although it is the top 20 programming languages, the same problem as which language to adopt when building a Web application is which framework to adopt. The criteria for selecting a framework are not only application requirements, but also the environment, developers, and various other conditions and constraints, and it is necessary to make an appropriate selection based on the characteristics of the framework.

And this year too, there was movement in various frameworks in each language. The change in popularity is similar. So, I would like to sort out a little about what kind of framework there is at the moment of 2014 and what kind of movement it is.

Here, it is often used especially on the server side of web applications.

  1. PHP
  2. Java
  3. Ruby
  4. Python
  5. Perl

Here is a list of web application frameworks as of 2014 for these five languages.

List of web application frameworks by language

** Sort by language by number of stars on GitHub. ** **

Note) I think it's hard to see if it's a smartphone. ..


Name Latest Release Google GitHub Star StackOverflow Qiita
1 Laravel 2014/12/11-v4.2.12 536,000 13,529 15,065 192
2 Symfony 2014/12/03-v2.6.1 676,000 9,376 25,628 13
3 CodeIgniter 2014/06/06-v2.2.0 761,000 8,762 32,924 38
4 CakePHP 2014/12/09-v2.5.7 764,000 5,360 21,521 299
5 Zend Framework 2014/09/17-v2.3.3 996,000 4,952 182,024 40
6 Phalcon 2014/10/28-v1.3.4 64,500 4,664 708 70
7 Slim 2014/12/10-v2.5.0 173,000 4,289 560 0
8 Yii 2014/12/08-v2.0.1 532,000 4,182 11,992 65
9 Silex 2014/09/26-v1.2.2 64,300 2,455 588 5
10 KohanaPHP 2014/12/11-v3.3.3.1 120,000 1,408 2,034 0
11 FuelPHP 2014/07/13-v1.7.2 1,470,000 1,356 381 192
12 Yaf 2014/10/22-v2.3.3 57,600 1,250 36 0
13 Nette Framework 2014/11/16-v2.2.6 64,200 915 15 0
14 Flight 2014/11/06-v1.2.9 787,000 905 0 0
15 Limonade 2010/11/27-v0.5.1 18,000 606 0 0
16 PHPixie 2013/04/24-v2.1 4,090 251 2 0
17 Bullet 2014/10/23-v1.4.2 181,000 227 0 0

Other than the above PHP Web application framework

Lithium / MicroMVC / ColaPHP / Aura / Simple MVC Framework / Rain Framework / Ethna
Agavi / PRADO / DooPHP / PopPHP / pinoco / Deano / OrePHP / ...etc


Name Latest Release Google GitHub Star StackOverflow Qiita
1 Play Framework 2014/12/03-v2.3.7 20,000,000 5,577 8,517 94
2 Spring Framework 2014/09/04-v4.1.0 11,400,000 4,654 55,740 65
3 Dropwizard 2014/04/04-v0.7.0 33,200 2,640 366 13
4 Ninja Framework 2014/12/01-v4.0.2 394,000 587 4 0
5 Apache Wicket 2014/11/09-v6.18.0 369,000 246 2,493 17
6 ZK 2014/12/10-v7.0.4 271,000 141 708 1
7 Apache Struts 2014/12/07-v2.3.20 2,930,000 104 3,319 13

Other than the above Java Web application framework

Stripes Framework / JavaServer Faces / Tapestry / ...etc


Name Latest Release Google GitHub Star StackOverflow Qiita
1 Ruby on Rails 2014/11/20-v4.1.7.1 1,490,000 24,304 187,252 3,189
2 Sinatra 2014/04/09-v1.4.5 275,000 6,493 3,778 140
3 Padrino 2014/10/20-v0.12.4 31,800 2,335 296 47


Name Latest Release Google GitHub Star StackOverflow Qiita
1 Django 2014/10/23-v1.7.1 569,000 12,232 86,283 179
2 Flask 2013/06/14-v0.10.1 349,000 11,905 6,202 41
3 Tornado 2014/09/11-v4.0.2 273,000 8,245 1,714 9
4 Bottle 2014/04/30-v0.12.7 298,000 2,675 723 8
5 Pyramid 2014/11/10-v1.5.2 343,000 1,555 1,421 16
6 web2py 2014/09/15-v2.9.10 126,000 742 1,236 4
7 Pylons 2012/08/14-v1.0.1 158,000 145 792 0

Other than the above Python Web application framework

TurboGears / Cherrypy / Zope / Kay / webapp / ...etc


Name Latest Release Google GitHub Star StackOverflow Qiita
1 Mojolicios 2014/12/13-v5.69 65,500 1,369 240 59
2 Dancer 2014/11/27-v1.3133 98,300 719 149 0
3 Catalyst 2014/12/04-v5.90079_003 370,000 180 403 1
4 Amon2 2014/12/15-v6.11 17,500 127 0 1

Other than the above Perl Web application framework

Sledge / Ark / ...etc


In summary, there were quite a few names that I heard for the first time. (Especially some of PHP)

However, when I try this, I am surprised again for the first time in a rush. And you can see that most of them continue to update very actively.

This time, I tried to arrange by the number of stars on GitHub, and also added the number of posts on StackOverflow and Qiita, I also discovered that it was unexpectedly like this. There may be interesting discoveries even if you add more various axes.

Laravel has a lot of momentum, there are many types of PHP, and it's fairly distributed. In Ruby, Merb is stopped, Rails is still running alone, and Python is surprisingly Django and Flask have the same number of stars. Toka Toka.

It's also interesting that the trends differ greatly between Japan and overseas. If you compare it again at the end of 2015, it may be a different power map from this year. Then!

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