[Python R pyper] Can I use pyper.R inside a function? Solution

If you pass a value to the argument RCMD, an error will occur in pyper.R ...?

In python3, if you type the following in the interpreter, an instance will be created (provided that you are in the path to R)

>>> import pyper
>>> r = pyper.R() 

I got an error when I entered the path to R as below.

>>> import pyper
>>> r = pyper.R(RCMD ="R location")

I could do it without passing it, and I thought it would be okay to leave it alone.

If you do not pass the path to the argument RCMD, you cannot use it in the function ...

I am troubled. Since I'm new to python, I can't figure out what the cause is, so I reread the introductory python3 for the time being. I tried various ways to create a function, but it didn't work ... I was in trouble.

Let's review the error. Let's do so.

Aside from my ignorance, I decided to face the error.

childstderr = file('nul', 'a')

Apparently, this part of pyper.py is doing something wrong. What's wrong?

While I was at a loss, God whispered in my ear

** The function file cannot be used in python3 ... **

No way, there is no way to rearrange file to open. It's not such a simple story. I was skeptical, but

childstderr = open('nul', 'a')

I rewrote it in. Yes, it works fine. Crackling crackling.


The only way to resolve an error is to understand it. It's natural. But I learned python. When I think that it is neither uh nor this, I do not understand enough It's not bad for clarity and detours.

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