[PYTHON] Can I be a data scientist?

I'm going to start with a bad sentence that doubles as a self-introduction.

There is an AI (artificial intelligence) boom in the world. A long time ago, AI used to refer to Action Items, but now it's time to say, "It's confusing to write AI, so write action items."

Now that the third artificial intelligence boom is happening, various people are getting sick, saying, "Our company must also work on AI." Speaking of myself, while somehow recognizing the importance of data analysis, I was picking up on conspicuous Web pages, and although I somehow understood the outline, systematically studying and developing skills is age-related. I have avoided it because of things and work.

However, the more I look at information on various websites and books, the more I realize how important data is. A long time ago, I was told that I could use a personal computer, but I felt something similar to what I felt at that time, that this (computer) would come in the future. This is the only way to ride, in this big wave! So, I'm so late that I don't know how many laps I'm late, but I'll write about the progress of my studies as a data scientist.

Writer's specifications and experience

Definition of data scientist

Each person may have their own thoughts, but the Data Scientist Association is a Press Release on December 10, 2014. In .or.jp/files/news/2014-12-10.pdf), the data scientist was defined as follows.

"A data scientist is a professional who creates value from data based on data science and data engineering capabilities and answers business issues."

In other words, it is not enough to have advanced skills to analyze data, but it is not enough to accurately grasp client issues from a business perspective, define data that matches the issues, and solve problems based on advanced analysis. I understood that it is necessary to take an approach.


I will write in the future

The goal is to output what I have learned in raising myself to the point where I can be called a data scientist.

Machine learning

I want to cover the so-called G test level knowledge


Let's use Python to work on kaggle and summarize how to use the library.

Honestly, if Nikkei XTECH issues a article like this, I really don't have to write anything else. However, I'm thinking of writing it for my own learning. Nice to meet you.

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