[PYTHON] jupyter notebook does not start on mac fish

!Mac OS X-10.15.7!ruby-2.7.1p83


When I put anaconda3 in osx (catalina) and launched a jupyter notebook from Anaconda-Navigator.app, I got the following error on the terminal and died.

$ /****/****/anaconda3/bin/jupyter_mac.command ; exit;
Failed to execute process '/****/****/anaconda3/bin/jupyter_mac.command'. Reason:
exec: Exec format error
The file '/****/****/anaconda3/bin/jupyter_mac.command' is marked as an executable 
but could not be run by the operating system.


This is because the default shell of terminal is set to fish. The following shebang at the beginning of jupyter \ _mac.command


Was added and solved.

Probably the same with zsh (unverified).

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