[Pythonocc] I tried using CAD on jupyter notebook

I want to mess with a file created by CAD with python!

I've heard that .py files are imported into CAD software to extend their functionality, but I wondered if there was something that could be run on jupyter notebook.

Conclusion first

there were. I tried hello world in the cad area. cad.gif

What is pythonocc

pythonocc is a 3D CAD package for python. You can move it on jupyter notebook! !!

gitub: https://github.com/tpaviot/pythonocc


It was written on github that it can be installed with the following.

conda install -c conda-forge -c dlr-sc -c pythonocc -c oce pythonocc-core==0.18.1 python=3.5

However, in my case, when importing with Jupyter notebooke, I got "OCC not found". For the time being, I could do it by inserting pythonocc-core. I wonder why ... Please tell me the details ...

conda install -c dlr-sc pythonocc-core

Also, it seems that pythreejs and smesh are also required to render on jupyter notebook, so I will put them in.

conda install -c conda-forge pythreejs
conda install -c pythonocc smesh

Try Hello world

There was a demo on github, so let's try it! !! !! pythonocc-demos/jupyter_notebooks/occ_helloworld.ipynb When I try to execute ...

did it! !! !! cad.gif

It works when you play with the mouse!

Try reading the STEP file

When I read the STEP file of a 10x10x10 cube, ... The kernel is dead. Is memory really unreasonable ...? Is it the limit?

Is there a solution ... If anyone comes up with a solution, I would appreciate it if you could comment.


I'm a beginner so please let me know if you make a mistake! !! Do not bully me........

whoami twitter:@hookhook125 blog: https://hooked-on-mas.hatenablog.

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