[PYTHON] Mac application for double-clicking to open Jupyter Notebook (* .ipynb)


Create an application ** Jupyter Launcher.app ** to open Jupyter Notebook (\ * .ipynb) by double-clicking using Automator on Mac. Personally based on buq's original idea (double-click to open ipython notebook file @ OS X) Make some changes for the features you want to add to. I'm rewriting it in Python.


Additional features and changes

Minor improvements

Creation procedure

  1. Start Automator.app, select ** New Application ** and start creating
  2. Select ** Run Shell Script ** from Actions
  3. Select ** / usr / bin / python ** as the shell
  4. Select ** as an argument for the input delivery method
  5. Enter the following Python script into the window
  6. Save as Jupyter Launcher.app in / Applications
  7. Set the icon as you like and complete


Python script

** 2017.01.14: ** Updated script (no functional changes)


# coding: utf-8

"""Script for the Jupyter Launcher Application."""

import os
import sys
import time
import webbrowser
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

def listened(port):
    """Check if the spacified port is listened or not."""
    cmd = "lsof -i :{} | grep 'LISTEN'"
    proc = Popen(cmd.format(port), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
    return bool(proc.communicate()[0])

def launch_jupyter(port):
    """Launch a Jupyter Notebook Server with the spacified port."""
    cmd = "bash -cl 'jupyter-notebook ~/ --port={} --no-browser &' > /dev/null 2>&1"
    proc = Popen(cmd.format(port), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    PORT = 8888
    ipynbs = sys.argv[1:]

    if not listened(PORT):

    while not listened(PORT):

    if ipynbs:
        for ipynb in ipynbs:
            url = 'http://localhost:{}/notebooks/{}'
            path = os.path.relpath(ipynb, os.environ['HOME'])
            webbrowser.open(url.format(PORT, path))
        url = 'http://localhost:{}/tree'


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