[PYTHON] Jupyter Notebook does not show matplotlib graphs

Statistics are popular in circles, but I'm studying data science in Python, although it's a twist because everyone uses R. (I want to touch R soon)

Meanwhile, I ran into the problem that matplotlib was not expanded inline, so I made a note.


It seems that it will not be expanded inline unless you run the following code at the beginning of the note.

%matplotlib inline


In  [48] : tz_counts[:10].plot(kind='barh', rot=0)
Out [48] : <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x18dd7d8c358>


In  [49] : %matplotlib inline
In  [50] : tz_counts[:10].plot(kind='barh', rot=0)
Out [50] : <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x18dd7d8c358>


It will be displayed! We did it, Tae-chan!

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