I want to do a monkey patch only partially safely in Python

What is monkey patch?

Monkey patches extend or modify dynamic language (eg Smalltalk, JavaScript, Objective-C, Ruby, Perl, Python, Groovy, etc.) code at runtime without modifying the original source code. How to do it.

[Wiki reference](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%83%91%E3% 83% 83% E3% 83% 81)


Round is no longer rounded in Python 3

print round(2.5) # => 3.0
print(round(2.5)) # => 2

It seems that the round function is treated as a floating point number from python3. So that you can use this by rounding !!

Rounding code

def custom_round(x, d=0):
    import math
    p = 10 ** d
    return float(math.floor((x * p) + math.copysign(0.5, x)))/p
print(custom_round(2.5)) #=> 3.0

Reference URL

↓ ↓ I want to write like this ↓ ↓


import setting
print(round(2.5)) #=> 3.0

Generate setting.py

1. For the time being, monkey patch


import builtins #Built-in functions are in builtins
def custom_round(x, d=0):
    import math
    p = 10 ** d
    return float(math.floor((x * p) + math.copysign(0.5, x)))/p
builtins.round = custom_round # monkey patch


import setting
print(round(2.5)) #=> 3.0
I thought it was a success because it was displayed


import setting
print(round(2.5)) #=> 3.0
import sample2


print(round(2.5)) #=> 3.0
=> Not safe !!!!?

2. Hook the caller's namespace from the stack trace


import inspect, imp
import builtins
def custom_round(x, d=0):
    import math
    p = 10 ** d
    return float(math.floor((x * p) + math.copysign(0.5, x)))/p

frame = [frame for (frame, filename, _, _, _,_) in 
                 if not 'importlib' in filename and not __file__ in filename][0]
        #Because import lib may be used for fetching and importing the caller.
frame.f_locals['round'] = custom_round


import setting
print(round(2.5)) #=> 3.0
import sample2


print(round(2.5)) #=> 2

Last line replacement.py

# ${module} :Target module, ${function} :Target function
replacing = imp.load_module('temp', *imp.find_module(${module}))
setattr(replacing, '${function}', ${custom function})
frame.f_locals[${module}] = replacing
I wonder if the File was separated ... The setting process is not performed in sample2 ...


import setting
print(round(2.5)) #=> 3.0
import sample2


import setting
print(round(2.5)) #=> 2

=> The module imported once is retained in sys.modules, and in the second import, it is referenced from sys.module and the code is not called.

3. Replace builtins.import directly and call the monkey patch function at the time of import.


import inspect, imp
import builtins
def custom_round(x, d=0):
    import math
    p = 10 ** d
    return float(math.floor((x * p) + math.copysign(0.5, x)))/p

def hooking():
    frame = [frame for (frame, filename, _, _, _,_) in 
                 if not 'importlib' in filename and not __file__ in filename][0]
        #Because import lib may be used for fetching and importing the caller.
    frame.f_locals['round'] = custom_round

class Importer(object):
    old_import = __import__
    def new_import(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if args[0] == __name__: hooking() 
        return self.old_import(*args, **kwargs)

import builtins
builtins.__import__ = Importer().new_import


import setting
print(round(2.5)) #=> 3.0
import sample2


import setting
print(round(2.5)) #=> 3.0


Finally, I was able to implement a monkey patch only with the module where the import setting is written.

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