Even in JavaScript, I want to see Python `range ()`!


for i in range(10):

The theory is good, so show it soon!

 * @param  {...number} args
const range = (...args) => {
  const rangeGen = function* (from = 0, to = Infinity, step = 1) {
    for (let v = from; v < to; v += step) {
      yield v;

  return args.length === 0
    ? rangeGen(undefined, undefined, undefined)
    : args.length === 1
    ? rangeGen(undefined, args[0], undefined)
    : args.length === 2
    ? rangeGen(args[0], args[1], undefined)
    : rangeGen(...args);

for (const v of range(2, 10)) {
  // 2 ~Up to 9 are output in order

what are you doing?

The range function returns the result of executing the generator function. It is a wrapper that just distributes the arguments to the generator function. rangeGen is the generator function.

――What is a generator? --A relatively new feature of JavaScript added in ES2015 ――What are you generating? --Generate repeatable objects ――What is repetition?

For details on how to use the generator function, please read MDN.

For the time being, I am making a guy who can enumerate the numbers from from to to.

in conclusion

Now you can also for (const i of range (10)) { in JavaScript.


Personally, Python's sledding is troublesome because you have to pay attention to the order of the arguments. So below (TypeScript).

const range = function* ({
  start = 0,
  stop = Infinity,
  step = 1,
}: {
  start?: number;
  stop: number;
  step?: number;
}) {
  while (start < stop) {
    yield start;
    start += step;

for (const v of range({ stop: 10 })) {

that's all.

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