HashMap # putAll () behaves differently between Java 7 and Java 8

There was such a code.

Custom HashMap class that inherits HashMap

public Object put(Object key, Object value) {
	//Make the key lowercase
	return super.put(key.toString().toLowerCase(), value);

Code using a custom HashMap

CustomHashMap map = new CustomHashMap();
map.putAll(valueMap); //Keys are all lowercase in Java 7

When I upgraded from Java7 to Java8, the map key did not become lowercase and it no longer behaved as before.

When I read the code of HashMap,

--In Java7, put () is called from putAll () --In Java8, put () is not called ** from putAll () **

It turned out that was the cause. That is, the overridden put method is not called. Should I think that putAll happened to work in Java 7 because it wasn't overridden? (Maybe I was reading the Java 7 implementation.)

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