Conversion between Kotlin nullable and Java Optional

nullable => Optional

If you're writing code in Kotlin, you'll need to convert it to Java Optional. In such cases, use ʻOptional.ofNullable to convert to ʻOptional. You can also use ʻOptional.of` if it is not nullable.


    class SecurityAuditorAware: AuditorAware<Long> {
        override fun getCurrentAuditor(): Optional<Long> {
            val authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().authentication

            if (authentication == null || !authentication.isAuthenticated) {
                return Optional.ofNullable(null)

            return Optional.ofNullable((authentication.principal as UserDetail?)?.user?.id)

From Java's point of view, Kotlin's nullable looks the same as it isn't, so ʻOptional <Long?>, ʻOptional <Long>, ʻOptional ?, And ʻOptional <Long?>? Is the same. You can use those four patterns for the return type of getCurrentAuditor () in the sample.

Optional => nullable / not-nullable

Using findById in a Spring 5 repository will return ʻOptional . In such cases, you may want to extract the contents from ʻOptional to pass a value to Kotlin.

optionalValue.get() => not-nullable
optionalValue.orElse(null) => nullable


There are many other methods available for values of type ʻOptional`.

It was described in detail in the next article.

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