Difference between vh and%

I want to get rid of the blank space at the bottom of the credit card registration screen. It's hard to see in the photo, but the blank space in the yellow area I struggled to get rid of it.

スクリーンショット 2020-09-23 10.21.22.png

Check various things, html and body

height: 100%;

When I tried the method of guessing, the view of other pages was also affected. Abandon this method. .. ..

I struggled for about two hours after this, in the card_add class

height: 100vh;

This is a quick solution.

I didn't understand the difference between% and vh when specifying the height of the element. It seems that it took some time to get here.

Difference between vh and%

【vh】 Depends on the display area of the page.

height: 100vh;

If you specify, the height will be displayed in the full display area of the page.

【%】 Depends on the parent element.

height: 100%;

If you specify, the size of the parent element is also displayed.

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