Difference between render and redirect_to

Difference between render and redirect_to

I was doing a rails course for progate, and I was wondering about the difference between render and redirect_to, so I will summarize the difference for myself.

the difference

-Render: Specify the view file directly. You do not have to go through other actions. Variables in actions that specify render can be used in other views ・ Redirect_to: Specify URL Transfer to another URL

How to write

render (folder / file) The first / is not required because it is a folder name


redirect_to ("/ URL / ~ / ~") First / Yes


Difference in movement

-Render: controller → view -Redirect_to: controller-> URL-> route-> controller-> view

The process that render specifies a view file and displays it redirect_to is the same process as receiving an HTTP request on the browser

Use properly

-Render: Used when you want to take over the previous data without updating -Redirect_to: Requires controller processing such as data deletion and update

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