Difference between == operator and eqals method

Domo is Fugito.

This time is a little memorandum.

What is the difference between the == operator and the equals method?

in conclusion,

"** == operator determines identity and The equals method determines identity and equivalence ** "

There seems to be a difference.

What is "identity judgment"?

"Whether or not they are the same instance".

What is "equivalence judgment"?

"The values stored in the instance are the same Whether or not it is. "

An example is shown below.

Sample program

public class Example{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        String s1 = "012";
        String s2 = new StringBuilder("012").toString();

        if(s1 == s2){


"s1 == s2" means "** whether s1 and s2 are the same instance **" It will be judged. In the above program, s1 and s2 are independent of each other. Created as an instance. So the same instance I can't say that, so ** false ** is returned. By the way, as follows When rewritten, s1 == s2 becomes true.

String s1 = "012";
String s2 = s1;

On the other hand, the equals method is the same in the method by the == operator first. After determining the sex, the equivalence is determined. Here, ** for s1 and s2 Since the same string literal "012" is stored **, s1.equals (s2) Is ** true **.


-The == operator determines ** identity ** -The equals method determines ** identity and equivalence ** -Identity judgment is "** Is it the same instance " -Judgment of equivalence is " stored in the instance Whether the values are the same ** "

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