[Java] Overload and override

Summarize overloads and overrides


Define multiple ** different ** methods with the same name but ** signature **. → Even if the name is the same, ** the method is different **

** * What is signature ** -Method name -Argument list type -Number of arguments -Argument order

** [Things not to consider when overloading] ** ・ Difference in return value -Variable name of the argument -Differences in access modifiers


int price(int a, double b){
   return a * b;

[Overloading pattern]

double price(int a){   //Since it is treated as a separate method, there is no problem even if the return value is changed. Overloaded because the signatures are different

int price(double a, int b){  //Argument order reversed → overload

[** It is also possible to overload methods ** with final **]

final void price(){

void prince(int a){  //The final method can also be overloaded! Because it is treated as another method.

[Pattern that does not cause overload]

int price(int product, double tax){  //The argument name is not a signature. Does not overload


When you ** inherit ** a parent class ** and declare a ** child class **, you must ** overwrite the members of the parent class with the child class **.

** [Override conditions] ** ・ The signature is the same -** Return type ** must be ** same type ** or ** subclass type ** as a member of parent class -Specify the ** access modifier ** that is ** the same as or ** looser ** than the member of the parent class. -The member of the parent class does not have ** final **


class Infant{
  protected void talk(){

[Patterns that can be overridden]

class Adult extends Infant {
  public void talk(){   //Loose access modifiers than the parent class talk method

[Patterns that cannot be overridden]

class Adult extends Infant {
  void talk(){   //More stringent access modifiers than the parent class talk method

class Adult extends Infant {
  void talk(String a){   //Signature different from the talk method of the parent class (overload)
    System.out.println("Hello" + a);

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