Study Java # 2 (\ mark and operator)

How to use the ¥ mark ...

This time I read Chapter 2! The second chapter is still in the middle of the first chapter: D

String msg ="Look at this symbol → (") "

Please look at this symbol → ( Seems to be regarded as a character string.

Well, it's probably a computer, but it's a word that I'm likely to write.

Next, I read the operator. The arithmetic operators +,-, * and / were not difficult problems. Another arithmetic operator,%, seems to be a function of remainder, for example, 9% 2 → 1 And it seems that the function is accurately decided for /, so it will be 9/2 → 4. If you want to get to the decimal point, should you change it from 9.0 / 2 to 4.5? You should actually try it here   Then the assignment operator = Is a = 5 → a (5 in the middle)

Next, about the increment / decrement operator ... ++-This is the operator. The function of ++ increases the value by 1.-The function of --- seems to be the opposite.

I'll do the next type conversion tomorrow ... Good night

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