Install dlib for Python (Windows)

I stumbled upon it soberly, so I will explain it with a lot of images. There may be unnecessary processes, but I will introduce the method that is sure to be done after trying various things. I would like to edit it gradually to reduce waste.

0. Premise

The environment is as follows. ・ Windows 10 Home 64 bit

1. Install Python

You can download it from the following.

This time, install "Python 3.8.1 64bit" スクリーンショット (6)_LI.jpg

On the installation screen, check "Add Python 3.8 to PATH". (You can save the trouble of passing the pass) スクリーンショット (5)_LI.jpg

After the installation is complete, enter the following command at the command prompt.

python -V

If the version is displayed as shown below, the installation is completed successfully.

Python 3.8.1

If it says no response or is not installed, we recommend restarting the command prompt! If that doesn't work, restart your PC before trying!

2. Install CMake

Download the Visual Studio 2019 Community executable file from the following and start the installation

On this screen that will appear later, select "Desktop development with C ++". Select if "C ++ CMake Tool for Winsows" is not checked. スクリーンショット (23)_LI.jpg

After the installation is complete, start Visual Studio 2019. Select "Continue without code". スクリーンショット (25)_LI.jpg

Start the command prompt from "Tools> Command line> Developer command prompt" スクリーンショット (26).png

Enter the following at the command prompt that started.

cmake -version

If the version is displayed as shown below, the installation is completed successfully.

cmake version 3.15.19101501-MSVC_2

If it says no response or is not installed, we recommend restarting your PC!

3. Install dlib

Enter the following at the command prompt that was started earlier.

pip install dlib

Once the installation is complete, you should be able to use dlib safely! If that doesn't work, we recommend restarting the command prompt or PC!

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