LINE BOT (Messaging API) development with API Gateway and Lambda (Python) [Part 2]

LINE BOT (Messaging API) development with API Gateway and Lambda (Python) [Part 2]


[Part] and the main environmental construction in (, we put a simple example of just returns the "Hello!". In this second part, I would like to implement the following using line-bot-sdk. -String response ・ Acquisition of user information ・ Presentation of choices, acquisition of selected ones ・ Receive location information, send location information

Install line-bot-sdk

Since it is assumed to be deployed with Lambda, it must be installed in the same location as Let's do it in an appropriate folder (source in this case) so that the installed libraries can be zipped together.

|- source

Install the library with pip.

$ cd source
$ pip install line-bot-sdk -t .

Deploy to Lambda

Zip the contents of the source folder and deploy the zip file to lambda.

$ cd source
$ zip -r ../ *
$ aws lambda update-function-code --function-name sample-map-function-scraping --zip-file fileb://../

(* Please change sample-map-function-scraping to the target Lambda function name.)

If you check the function code of the Lambda console, you can see that it is deployed with the library included. image.png

Set the channel secret in the environment variable

I didn't use it in the first part, but I will use ** Channel Secret ** in "Channel Basic Settings" of the channel created by LINE Developpers. Please register it as the value of the key LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET in the environment variable.

Respond to a string

In the first part was a response to "Hello!" Without the use of a line-bot-sdk. I will write for comparison what happens when line-bot-sk is used.

import os
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
from linebot import (
    LineBotApi, WebhookHandler
from linebot.models import (
    MessageEvent, TextMessage, TextSendMessage

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    signature = event["headers"]["X-Line-Signature"]
    body = event["body"]
    @LINE_HANDLER.add(MessageEvent, message=TextMessage)
    def on_message(line_event):
        LINE_BOT_API.reply_message(line_event.reply_token, TextSendMessage("Hello!"))
    LINE_HANDLER.handle(body, signature)
    return 0

It feels a little refreshing. It may seem difficult if you are not familiar with (or do not know) how to write using the library, but you will get used to it as you use it.

User information

What kind of user information can be obtained from LINE messages? I would like to confirm that.

    @LINE_HANDLER.add(MessageEvent, message=TextMessage)
    def on_message(line_event):
        profile = LINE_BOT_API.get_profile(line_event.source.user_id)
        LINE_BOT_API.reply_message(line_event.reply_token, TextSendMessage("Hello!"))

If you log the contents of profile and check it, it will be the following JSON.

    "displayName": "Your LINE name",
    "language": "ja",
    "pictureUrl": "",
    "userId": "U00000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

I was able to get the name registered in LINE, the URL of the profile image, the user ID, etc.


This is an implementation sample for presenting choices and getting selected ones. -When you receive the message "Choices", respond with some choices. ・ If selected, respond with "{Selected type} + has been selected!"

import os
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
from linebot import (
    LineBotApi, WebhookHandler
from linebot.models import (
    MessageEvent, TextMessage, TextSendMessage,
    TemplateSendMessage, ButtonsTemplate,

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    signature = event["headers"]["X-Line-Signature"]
    body = event["body"]

    #Event called when a text message is received
    @LINE_HANDLER.add(MessageEvent, message=TextMessage)
    def on_message(line_event):
        #Get user information
        profile = LINE_BOT_API.get_profile(line_event.source.user_id)

        message = line_event.message.text.lower()
        if message == 'Choices':
            LINE_BOT_API.reply_message(line_event.reply_token, make_select_message())
            LINE_BOT_API.reply_message(line_event.reply_token, TextSendMessage("Hello!"))

    #When selected from choices(postback)Event called
    def on_postback(line_event):
        data =
        LINE_BOT_API.reply_message(line_event.reply_token, TextSendMessage("{0}You have selected!".format(data)))
    LINE_HANDLER.handle(body, signature)
    return 0

def make_select_message():
    return TemplateSendMessage(
            title="Test of choice",
            text="Choose one from the bottom!",
                    "type": "postback",
                    "data": "morning",
                    "label": "Morning"
                    "type": "postback",
                    "data": "noon",
                    "label": "Noon"
                    "type": "postback",
                    "data": "night",
                    "label": "Night"

The result of the operation check is as follows. image.png

location information

An implementation for receiving and responding to location information. -Receives the "current position" and responds with "The latitude and longitude of that location is ({latitude}, {longitude})!". ・ When you receive the message "Lake Sanaru", respond to the location of Lake Sanaru.

import os
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
from linebot import (
    LineBotApi, WebhookHandler
from linebot.models import (
    MessageEvent, TextMessage, TextSendMessage,
    TemplateSendMessage, ButtonsTemplate,
    LocationMessage, LocationSendMessage

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    signature = event["headers"]["X-Line-Signature"]
    body = event["body"]
    #Event called when a text message is received
    @LINE_HANDLER.add(MessageEvent, message=TextMessage)
    def on_message(line_event):
        #Get user information
        profile = LINE_BOT_API.get_profile(line_event.source.user_id)

        message = line_event.message.text.lower()
        if message == 'Choices':
            LINE_BOT_API.reply_message(line_event.reply_token, make_select_message())
        elif message == 'Lake Sanaru':
            LINE_BOT_API.reply_message(line_event.reply_token, make_sanaruko_location_message())
            LINE_BOT_API.reply_message(line_event.reply_token, TextSendMessage("Hello!"))

    #When selected from choices(postback)Event called
    def on_postback(line_event):
        data =
        LINE_BOT_API.reply_message(line_event.reply_token, TextSendMessage("{0}You have selected!".format(data)))
    #Event called when location information is received
    @LINE_HANDLER.add(MessageEvent, message=LocationMessage)
    def on_location(line_event):
        latlon = "({0}, {1})".format(line_event.message.latitude, line_event.message.longitude)
        LINE_BOT_API.reply_message(line_event.reply_token, TextSendMessage("The latitude and longitude of that place is{0}is not it!".format(latlon)))

    LINE_HANDLER.handle(body, signature)
    return 0

def make_select_message():
    return TemplateSendMessage(
            title="Test of choice",
            text="Choose one from the bottom!",
                    "type": "postback",
                    "data": "morning",
                    "label": "Morning"
                    "type": "postback",
                    "data": "noon",
                    "label": "Noon"
                    "type": "postback",
                    "data": "night",
                    "label": "Night"
def make_sanaruko_location_message():
    title = 'Lake Sanaru'
    address = '〒432-8002 5195 Tomitsuka-cho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka'
    lat = 34.707433242045255
    lng = 137.68702025092614
    return LocationSendMessage(title=title, address=address, latitude=lat, longitude=lng)

"Location information" has a camera and image icon next to the LINE message input field, but it is in the menu that appears when you select the "+" icon next to it. image.png

The result of the operation check is as follows. image.png


Actually, I was thinking of posting something like receiving an image, processing it, and returning it, but I quit. I was wondering if I could return the binary data as it is, but it seems that I need to publish it somewhere and return the URL, so I thought it would be a little long. I've stopped posting this article, but one day I'll write an article on this subject.

A year ago, I made a serverless web application "Mosaic" that detects faces and characters and applies a mosaic. Let's make a LINE BOT version of this. I'm thinking.

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