Create an automatic grade management app for Tenhou private room with LINE bot and Python Part ③


This time, I added __Rating function __ to the Tenhou automatic grade management app created in the following post.

-Create an automatic grade management app for Tenhou private room with LINE bot and Python (1) -Create an automatic grade management app for Tenhou private room with LINE bot and Python (2)

Rating formula

Rating adopts the following Tenhou format. In Tenhou, the Rating is also a complete ranking system based on the complete ranking system of grades. In our private room, we adopted the rule that the weight of the ranking point is relatively high, so we adopted the Tenhou style Rating.

-Tenhou Official Manual

(Partial excerpt below)

--The ranking points (10-30) are corrected by the average of the same table players. --Initial value = R1500 --The higher the average R of the table, the greater the increase. (Rate fluctuation) = (Number of games corrected) x (Competition result + Correction value) x (Scaling coefficient) Match number correction (less than 400 matches): 1-Number of matches x 0.002 Match number correction (400 games or more): 0.2 Match result (3 dan battle): 1st place +30 2nd place 0 3rd place-30 Correction value: (Table average R-your own R) / 40 Scaling factor (dan battle): 1.0

If your private room has a rule that emphasizes raw scores over ranking scores, it may be more correlated with grades if you emphasize other Rating formulas. The following site calculates the Rating of M Leaguer using three types of formulas, so please refer to it.

-I calculated the rate ranking of M Leaguer with 3 patterns of Tenhou, MaruJan, and MJ!



import re
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Rating / R initialization

The rating data is initialized by the initial data (Player name: player, initial R: init_rating, initial number of villas: init_games) in ʻinitial_file.txt`. Basically R = 1500, games = 0.

def initialize_rating(initial_file):
    with open(initial_file) as f:
        init_ratings = f.readlines() 

    rating = {}
    games  = {}
    rating_history = {}
    for l in init_ratings:
        player      = l.split()[0]
        init_rating = l.split()[1] 
        init_games  = l.split()[2]
        rating[player] = float(init_rating) 
        games[player]  = int(init_games)
        rating_history[player] = [float(init_rating)]
    return rating,games,rating_history


Mr. A 1500 0
Mr. B 1500 0
Mr. C 1500 0
Mr. D 1500 0

Calculation of R

def calc_rating(initial_rating,initial_games,initial_rating_history,logfile,tip=False):
    with open(logfile) as f:
        lines = f.readlines() #Read everything up to the end of the file line by line(Newline character is also included)

    rating = initial_rating
    games  = initial_games
    rating_history = initial_rating_history

    for line in lines[1:]:
        # print(games)

        if len(line) > 10: #Skip strange lines
            roomid  = line.split("|")[0]
            time    = line.split("|")[1]
            rools   = line.split("|")[2]
            players = line.split("|")[3]
       #Without congratulations
            if tip == False:
                l = re.split('[ ()]', players)
                player1 = l[1]
                player2 = l[4]
                player3 = l[7]
            #If there is a celebration
            if tip == True:
                l = re.split('[ (,)]', players)
                player1 = l[1]
                player2 = l[5]
                player3 = l[9]

            rate_average = (rating[player1]+rating[player2]+rating[player3])/3.0
            rate_average = round(rate_average,3)
            if rate_average < 1500.0:
                rate_average = 1500.0

            #Match number correction
            if games[player1] < 400:
                games_correction1 = 1.0 - games[player1]*0.002
            if games[player1] >= 400:
                games_correction1 = 0.2
            if games[player2] < 400:
                games_correction2 = 1.0 - games[player2]*0.002
            if games[player2] >= 400:
                games_correction2 = 0.2
            if games[player3] < 400:
                games_correction3 = 1.0 - games[player3]*0.002
            if games[player3] >= 400:
                games_correction3 = 0.2

            #Average R correction
            averageR_correction1 = (rate_average - rating[player1])/40.0
            averageR_correction2 = (rate_average - rating[player2])/40.0
            averageR_correction3 = (rate_average - rating[player3])/40.0

            #Rating fluctuation
            rate_delta1 = round(games_correction1 * ( 30.0  + averageR_correction1 ) * 1.0, 3) # 1st
            rate_delta2 = round(games_correction2 * ( 0.0   + averageR_correction2 ) * 1.0, 3) # 2nd
            rate_delta3 = round(games_correction3 * ( -30.0 + averageR_correction3 ) * 1.0, 3) # 3rd

            # Rating
            rating[player1] += rate_delta1
            rating[player2] += rate_delta2
            rating[player3] += rate_delta3

            # Rating History

            # Games
            games[player1] += 1
            games[player2] += 1
            games[player3] += 1

    return rating,games,rating_history

Graphing R fluctuations

def rating_plot(rating_history):

    names = {"Mr. A":"a","Mr. B":"b","Mr. C":"c","Mr. D":"d"}
    for player in rating_history.keys():
        x = [i for i in range(len(rating_history[player]))]
        y = rating_history[player]

    plt.savefig("rating.png ")

Run (test in local environment)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    r,g,h = initialize_rating("rating.txt")
    r,g,h = calc_rating(r,g,h,"logvol1.txt",tip=False)
    r,g,h = calc_rating(r,g,h,"logvol2.txt",tip=True)
    r,g,h = calc_rating(r,g,h,"logvol3.txt",tip=True)


Output result

Implementation on LINE bot

    import download4
    import rating.calc_rating as cr
    elif postbackdata == "request_rating":"/logvol1.txt","rating/logvol1.txt")"/logvol2.txt","rating/logvol2.txt")"/logvol3.txt","rating/logvol3.txt")
        initial_rating,initial_games,initial_rating_history = cr.initialize_rating("rating/rating.txt")
        r,g,h = cr.calc_rating(initial_rating,initial_games,initial_rating_history,"rating/logvol1.txt",tip=False)
        r,g,h = cr.calc_rating(r,g,h,"rating/logvol2.txt",tip=True)
        r,g,h = cr.calc_rating(r,g,h,"rating/logvol3.txt",tip=True)

        bucket.upload_file("rating.png ", "rating.png ")
        s3_image_url = s3_client.generate_presigned_url(
            ClientMethod = 'get_object',
            Params       = {'Bucket': aws_s3_bucket, 'Key': "rating.png "},
            ExpiresIn    = 600,
            HttpMethod   = 'GET'

                original_content_url = s3_image_url,
                preview_image_url    = s3_image_url,
        download4.upload("rating.png ","/rating.png ")  


Mahjong this season is in very good shape. One person wins. I would like to win the championship as it is. I would like to try Tenhou's score analysis, but the mjlog format (xml) is difficult. .. .. Please let me know. .. ..

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