I made a bot using LINE Messaging API in Python + Google App Engine environment. At times, I didn't know much about it, so I'd like to write it down here as a memorandum.
-** Searching for Google App Engine ** etc. will bring up various information, so I'd like to leave the details of installation and settings to that.
--This time, I used ** Standard environment ** of ** Python **. Python also has a ** Flexible environment ** environment, which is better than the standard environment, but it seems that there is no free tier.
--The Python used this time is * 2.7.9 *, but it is under version control by the Python 3 version ** Anaconda **.
--Therefore, you couldn't use the Google Cloud SDK as it is with the command, so you had to create a py27 environment with Anaconda once, do something like activate py27
, and then type in the command.
--By the way, when you activate and use another version in Anaconda, ** (py27) ** is displayed at the command.
--Deployment is done by command using ** Google Cloud SDK **. You can find out more about this by reading the GAE documentation as well.
--At the time of initial startup, link the account with gcloud auth login
, do gcloud init
and set according to the screen, then `gcloud app deploy [project yaml file]`
Or do `gcloud app deploy`
in the root directory of your project.
-- gcloud app deploy --version 2
It is also possible to manage the version when deploying.
--In the standard environment, the Python library cannot be used just by writing "I will use this!" In the file, and you have to deploy it together with the main file.
--pip install [module] -t [installation location] It is better to install by using
etc. to resolve the dependencies. (Used when installing **-t ** = ** --target ** in a location different from the normal module location.)
--By the way, if you enter pip install -help
etc. in the command, ** help ** in ** install ** of ** pip ** will be displayed. If I knew this from the beginning, I wouldn't have had such a hard time ...
――In addition, simply deploying the library together is not enough, and various settings are required. According to the official DOC, you can make the ** lib ** directory containing the modules recognizable by deploying ** appengine_config.py ** together. If you want to recognize other directories, you can change * lib * to * [arbitrary name] * in the code below.
# [START vendor]
import os
from google.appengine.ext import vendor
# Add any libraries installed in the "lib" folder.
vendor.add(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'lib'))
# [END vendor]
――I wasn't sure how it was needed, but it seems better to include ** requirements.txt ** as well. If you paste the result of pip freeze
, it seems OK for the time being.
With the above settings, finally on the code side
import flask
You will be able to do something.
-** LINE Messaging API ** has a library for python, and in fact this time, one of the purposes was to use it. line-bot-sdk-python on GitHub (Can be installed with pip)
--Also, note that ** line-bot-sdk-python ** requires a module called requests for communication with the outside, but ** GAE cannot use requests. **about it. (A Google module called URLFetch is required to get, post, etc. on GAE)
As a result of various investigations, there was a module that bridges URLFetch and requests, so I installed it and added / changed it to line-bot-sdk-python as follows.
#※/lib is the directory where you installed the module.
# [START imports]
import requests
import requests_toolbelt.adapters.appengine
# Use the App Engine Requests adapter. This makes sure that Requests uses
# URLFetch.
# [END imports]
Now you can use it on GAE without major changes to line-bot-sdk-python. With this library, you don't have to create your own LINE reply object. Click here for detailed specifications of ** LINE Messaging API **: Line API Reference
HTTPS reception code
jsonObject = request.json
line_request = jsonObject['events'][0] #The content of the request
Here you can see the content of the message coming from LINE with line_request. Write this at the beginning of the code that processes the message.
BOT main code
line_bot_api = LineBotApi(your_channel_access_token)
parser = WebhookParser(your_channel_secret))
The rest is easy. (The message object here is the * Send message object * on the LINE side.)
BOT main code
--``` line_bot_api.reply_message (replyToken, message object) `` Reply with
-- Object (text) = TextSendMessage (text = "text") `` ` --
Object (photo) = ImageSendMessage (original_content_url = "URL of original image", preview_image_url = "URL of thumbnail") ` --``` Object (video) = VideoSendMessage (original_content_url = "URL of original video", preview_image_url = "URL of thumbnail")
--``` Object (video) = AudioSendMessage (original_content_url = "URL of original audio", duration = "length (within 1 minute)") ``
-- Object (Video) = LocationSendMessage (title = "Title", address = "Address", latitude = "Latitude", longitude = "Longitude") `` ` --
Object (video) = StickerSendMessage (package_id = "package ID", sticker_id = "sticker ID") `` `
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