[PYTHON] Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Department of Creative Informatics, Winter 2011 Programming Exam

This is an example of the answer to the 2011 winter hospital exam.

Question theme

--Game --Multi-process

Problem statement

Functions, classes

from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import copy as cp
import time

dic = {}
dic['1'] = 0
dic['2'] = 1
dic['3'] = 2
dic['A'] = 0
dic['B'] = 1
dic['C'] = 2

def is_same(text):
    ret = True
    s = text[0]
    for mark in text:
        if mark != s:
            ret = False
    return ret

def is_same_as_mark(text, m):
    ret = True
    for mark in text:
        if mark != m:
            ret = False
    return ret

def get_revmark(mark):
    if mark == 'O':
        return 'X'
    elif mark == 'X':
        return 'O'
        return '-'

#When there are two marks in the line and the last one is empty
def has2(text, mark):
    tmp = 0
    revm = get_revmark(mark)
    for m in text:
        if m == revm:
            return False
        elif m == mark:
            tmp += 1
    return tmp >= 2

def diff2(text):
    return ('O' in text) and ('X' in text)

def who_win(game):
    dic = OrderedDict()
    dic['row1'] = game[0][0] + game[0][1] + game[0][2]
    dic['row2'] = game[1][0] + game[1][1] + game[1][2]
    dic['row3'] = game[2][0] + game[2][1] + game[2][2]
    dic['col1'] = game[0][0] + game[1][0] + game[2][0]
    dic['col2'] = game[0][1] + game[1][1] + game[2][1]
    dic['col3'] = game[0][2] + game[1][2] + game[2][2]
    dic['cross1'] = game[0][0] + game[1][1] + game[2][2]
    dic['cross2'] = game[0][2] + game[1][1] + game[2][0]
    for txt in dic.values():
        if is_same(txt):
            return txt[0]
    return '-'

def will(Game, mark, inp):
    revm = get_revmark(mark)
    i = dic[inp[0]]
    j = dic[inp[1]]
    game = cp.deepcopy(Game)
    game[i][j] = mark

    dic_L = OrderedDict()
    dic_L['row1'] = game[0][0] + game[0][1] + game[0][2]
    dic_L['row2'] = game[1][0] + game[1][1] + game[1][2]
    dic_L['row3'] = game[2][0] + game[2][1] + game[2][2]
    dic_L['col1'] = game[0][0] + game[1][0] + game[2][0]
    dic_L['col2'] = game[0][1] + game[1][1] + game[2][1]
    dic_L['col3'] = game[0][2] + game[1][2] + game[2][2]
    dic_L['cross1'] = game[0][0] + game[1][1] + game[2][2]
    dic_L['cross2'] = game[0][2] + game[1][1] + game[2][0]

    win_cnt = 0
    diff2_cnt = 0

    for line in dic_L.values():
        if is_same_as_mark(line, mark):
            return 'win'
        elif has2(line, revm):
            return 'lose'
        elif has2(line, mark):
            win_cnt += 1
        if diff2(line):
            diff2_cnt += 1
    if win_cnt >= 2:
        return 'win'
    elif diff2_cnt == 8:
        return 'drow'
        return 'unknown'

def choice(game, mark):
    space = []
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            if game[i][j] == '-':
                space.append([i, j])
    space_inp = []
    for sp in space:
        tmp = ''
        i = sp[0]
        j = sp[1]
        tmp += str(i+1)
        if j == 0:
            tmp += 'A'
        elif j == 1:
            tmp += 'B'
        elif j == 2:
            tmp += 'C'
    ret = space_inp[np.random.randint(len(space_inp))]
    status = 'lose'
    for inp in space_inp:
        result = will(game, mark, inp)
        if result == 'win':
            status = 'win'
            return inp
        elif result == 'unknown':
            status = 'unknown'
            ret = inp
        elif result == 'drow':
            if status == 'lose':
                ret = inp
                status = 'drow'
    return ret

def random_choice(game):
    space = []
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            mark = game[i][j]
            if mark == '-':
                space.append([i, j])

    space_inp = []
    for sp in space:
        tmp = ''
        i = sp[0]
        j = sp[1]
        tmp += str(i+1)
        if j == 0:
            tmp += 'A'
        elif j == 1:
            tmp += 'B'
        elif j == 2:
            tmp += 'C'
    return space_inp[np.random.randint(len(space_inp))]

class Board(object):
    def __init__(self, game):
        self.game = game
        self.O_num = 0
        self.X_num = 0
        for row in game:
            for mark in row:
                if mark == 'O':
                    self.O_num += 1
                elif mark == 'X':
                    self.X_num += 1
        if self.O_num == self.X_num:
            self.next_turn = 'O'
            self.next_turn = 'X'
        self.game_turn = self.O_num + self.X_num
        if self.game_turn >= 9:
            self.is_game_end = True
            self.is_game_end = False

    def __repr__(self):
        ret = ''
        for row in self.game:
            ret += (''.join(row) + '\n')
        return ret
    def inp(self, inp):
        if self.game_turn >= 9:
            return 'The game is already over'

        i = dic[inp[0]]
        j = dic[inp[1]]
        if self.game[i][j] != '-':
            return 'Already filled'
            self.game[i][j] = self.next_turn
            if self.next_turn == 'X':
                self.next_turn = 'O'
                self.next_turn = 'X'

            self.game_turn += 1
            win = who_win(self.game)
            if win != '-':
                self.is_game_end = True
                return '{0}Won\n{1}'.format(win, self)
            elif self.game_turn >= 9:
                self.is_game_end = True
                return 'It's a draw\n{0}'.format(self)
                return str(self)

def inputdata(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='ascii') as f:
        txt_lines = f.readlines()
        game = [['-' for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(3)]
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                game[i][j] = txt_lines[i][j]
        return Board(game)


def solve1():
    for i in range(1, 5):
        board = inputdata('test00{0}.txt'.format(i))


def solve2():
    board = Board([['-' for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(3)])
    while board.game_turn < 9:
        inp = input()
        if board.is_game_end:


def solve3():
    board = Board([['-' for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(3)])
    while board.game_turn < 9:
        inp = input()
        if board.is_game_end:
        inp = random_choice(board.game)
        if board.is_game_end:


def solve4():
    board = Board([['-' for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(3)])
    while board.game_turn < 9:
        O_time = time.time()
        inp = random_choice(board.game)
        print('First move: {0}'.format(inp))
        if board.is_game_end:
        while time.time() - O_time < 1:

        X_time = time.time()
        inp = random_choice(board.game)
        print('Gote: {0}'.format(inp))
        if board.is_game_end:
        while time.time() - X_time < 1:

(5) The function will is


def solve6():
    board = Board([['-' for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(3)])
    while board.game_turn < 9:
        inp = input()
        print('First move: {0}'.format(inp))
        if board.is_game_end:
        inp = choice(board.game, 'X')
        print('Gote: {0}'.format(inp))
        if board.is_game_end:

(7) I can't solve it ...

The method is to add the lock attribute to the board object, treat it as a shared resource, set up two processes, check the board object one by one using while etc., and if the lock is released at the time of your turn, first secure the lock After that, I think that it can be implemented by repeating the steps of updating the turn and releasing the lock when the hit is finished. I gave up because I didn't know how to handle something like pthread in python. (I didn't have enough time ...)


――I don't think it's that difficult to implement the o, x game, and the hand-selection algorithm isn't too difficult, so I think it's difficult enough to reach (6).

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