[PYTHON] Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Department of Creative Informatics, Winter 2006 Programming Exam

This is an example of the answer to the 2006 winter hospital exam.

Question theme

--Truth value problem --List

Problem statement

(1) 255 (11111111) 240 (11110000)

(2) 2-1 111 -> 1 110 -> 0 101 -> 0 100 -> 1 011 -> 0 010 -> 1 001 -> 1 000 -> 0 One of 150 (10010110)

2-2 111 -> 0, 1 110, 011 -> 0, 1 101 -> 0, 1 100, 001 -> 0, 1 010 -> 0, 1 000 -> 0, 1 2 ^ 6 = 64


from N_DIGIT import baseNumber, baseNumbers

def biTo10(bi):
    ret = 0
    for index, b in enumerate(bi):
        ret += (2**index) * b
    return ret

def getReverse(n):
    bi = baseNumber(2, 8, n)
    b000 = bi[0]
    b001 = bi[1]
    b010 = bi[2]
    b011 = bi[3]
    b100 = bi[4]
    b101 = bi[5]
    b110 = bi[6]
    b111 = bi[7]
    bi[1], bi[3], bi[4], bi[6] = bi[4], bi[6], bi[1], bi[3]
    return biTo10(bi)  

def hasReverse(n):
    return n == getReverse(n)

def solve2_3():
    ret = 0
    for i in range(256):
        if hasReverse(i):
            ret += 1
    return ret

(3) 3-1

from N_DIGIT import baseNumber, baseNumbers

def biTo10(bi):
    ret = 0
    for index, b in enumerate(bi):
        ret += (2**index) * b
    return ret

def delta_func(M, l, c, r):
    bn = baseNumber(2, 8, M)
    index = biTo10([l, c, r])
    return bn[index]

def print_cell(cell):
    ret = ''
    for index, c in enumerate(cell):
        if index >= 100:
        if c == 0:
            ret += '.'
            ret += '#'            
def update_cell(M, cell):
    cell_size = len(cell)
    ret = [0 for _ in range(cell_size)]
    for i, c in enumerate(cell):
        l = cell[(i-1) % cell_size]
        r = cell[(i+1) % cell_size]
        ret[i] = delta_func(M, l, c, r)
    return ret         

def solve3_1(M):
    cell = [0 for _ in range(100)]
    cell[40] = 1
    for t in range(1, 51):
        cell = update_cell(M, cell)


from N_DIGIT import baseNumber, baseNumbers

def biTo10(bi):
    ret = 0
    for index, b in enumerate(bi):
        ret += (2**index) * b
    return ret

def delta_func(M, l, c, r):
    bn = baseNumber(2, 8, M)
    index = biTo10([l, c, r])
    return bn[index]

def print_cell(cell):
    ret = ''
    for index, c in enumerate(cell):
        if index >= 100:
        if c == 0:
            ret += '.'
            ret += '#'    
def update_cell(M, cell):
    cell_size = len(cell)
    ret = [0 for _ in range(cell_size)]
    for i, c in enumerate(cell):
        l = cell[(i-1) % cell_size]
        r = cell[(i+1) % cell_size]
        ret[i] = delta_func(M, l, c, r)
    return ret

def initailize(i):
    bn = baseNumber(2, 7, i)
    cnt = 0
    for bi in bn:
        if bi == 1:
            cnt += 1
    if cnt == 3:
        return 1
        return 0

def solve3_2(M):
    cell = [0 for _ in range(123)]
    for i, c in enumerate(cell):
        cell[i] = initailize(i)
    for t in range(1, 51):
        cell = update_cell(M, cell)


from N_DIGIT import baseNumber, baseNumbers

def biTo10(bi):
    ret = 0
    for index, b in enumerate(bi):
        ret += (2**index) * b
    return ret

def delta_func(M, l, c, r):
    bn = baseNumber(2, 8, M)
    index = biTo10([l, c, r])
    return bn[index]

def print_cell(cell):
    ret = ''
    for index, c in enumerate(cell):
        if index >= 100:
        if c == 0:
            ret += '.'
            ret += '#'    
def update_cell(M, cell):
    cell_size = len(cell)
    ret = [0 for _ in range(cell_size)]
    for i, c in enumerate(cell):
        l = cell[(i-1) % cell_size]
        r = cell[(i+1) % cell_size]
        ret[i] = delta_func(M, l, c, r)
    return ret

def solve3_3(M):
    cell = []
    for zero_num in range(1, 41):
        array = []
        for i in range(zero_num):
    for t in range(1, 51):
        cell = update_cell(M, cell)

(4) 4-1

from N_DIGIT import baseNumber, baseNumbers

def biTo10(bi):
    ret = 0
    for index, b in enumerate(bi):
        ret += (2**index) * b
    return ret

def delta_func(M, l, c, r):
    bn = baseNumber(2, 8, M)
    index = biTo10([l, c, r])
    return bn[index]

def print_cell(cell):
    ret = ''
    for index, c in enumerate(cell):
        if index >= 100:
        if c == 0:
            ret += '.'
            ret += '#'    
def remake(cell):    
    div_idxs = []
    prev_c = -1
    for index, c in enumerate(cell):
        if c != prev_c:
            prev_c = c 
    array = []
    for i in range(len(div_idxs) - 1):
        tmp = []
        l = div_idxs[i]
        r = div_idxs[i+1]
        for j in range(l, r):
    ret = []
    isException = False
    for index, block in enumerate(array):
        content = block[0]
        size = len(block)
        if size >= 3:
            if content == 1:
                if index == 0:
                    isException = True
                ret.extend([1 for _ in range(size - 1)])
            elif content == 0:
                ret.extend([0 for _ in range(size + 1)])
            if content == 1:                
                ret.extend([1 for _ in range(size)])
            elif content == 0:
                ret.extend([0 for _ in range(size)])
    if isException:
        tmp = [ret[-1]]
        return tmp
        return ret
def update_cell(M, cell):
    cell_size = len(cell)
    ret = [0 for _ in range(cell_size)]
    for i, c in enumerate(cell):
        l = cell[(i-1) % cell_size]
        r = cell[(i+1) % cell_size]
        ret[i] = delta_func(M, l, c, r)
    return remake(cell)

def initailize(i):
    bn = baseNumber(2, 7, i)
    cnt = 0
    for bi in bn:
        if bi == 1:
            cnt += 1
    if cnt == 3:
        return 1
        return 0

def solve4_1(M):
    cell = [0 for _ in range(100)]
    for i, c in enumerate(cell):
        cell[i] = initailize(i)
    for t in range(1, 51):
        cell = update_cell(M, cell)
        if len(cell) < 3 or len(cell) > 2000:


from N_DIGIT import baseNumber, baseNumbers

def biTo10(bi):
    ret = 0
    for index, b in enumerate(bi):
        ret += (2**index) * b
    return ret

def delta_func(M, l, c, r):
    bn = baseNumber(2, 8, M)
    index = biTo10([l, c, r])
    return bn[index]

def print_cell(cell):
    ret = ''
    for index, c in enumerate(cell):
        if index >= 100:
        if c == 0:
            ret += '.'
            ret += '#'    
def remake(cell):    
    div_idxs = []
    prev_c = -1
    for index, c in enumerate(cell):
        if c != prev_c:
            prev_c = c 
    array = []
    for i in range(len(div_idxs) - 1):
        tmp = []
        l = div_idxs[i]
        r = div_idxs[i+1]
        for j in range(l, r):
    ret = []
    isException = False
    for index, block in enumerate(array):
        content = block[0]
        size = len(block)
        if size >= 3:
            if content == 1:
                if index == 0:
                    isException = True
                ret.extend([1 for _ in range(size - 1)])
            elif content == 0:
                ret.extend([0 for _ in range(size + 1)])
            if content == 1:                
                ret.extend([1 for _ in range(size)])
            elif content == 0:
                ret.extend([0 for _ in range(size)])
    if isException:
        tmp = [ret[-1]]
        return tmp
        return ret
def update_cell(M, cell):
    cell_size = len(cell)
    ret = [0 for _ in range(cell_size)]
    for i, c in enumerate(cell):
        l = cell[(i-1) % cell_size]
        r = cell[(i+1) % cell_size]
        ret[i] = delta_func(M, l, c, r)
    return remake(cell)

def initailize(i):
    bn = baseNumber(2, 7, i)
    cnt = 0
    for bi in bn:
        if bi == 1:
            cnt += 1
    if cnt == 3:
        return 1
        return 0

def solve4_2(M):
    cell = []
    for zero_num in range(1, 11):
        array = []
        for i in range(zero_num):
#     for t in range(1, 51):
    while True:
        cell = update_cell(M, cell)
        if len(cell) < 3 or len(cell) > 2000:


--baseNumber (N, digits, x) is left-handed and returns the decimal number x as an N-ary array of digits. ―― It's 4, but maybe it's supposed to use a list, but I did it with an array. ――It's an old problem, so if you do it with the current python specifications, it will end quickly.

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