[PYTHON] Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Department of Creative Informatics, Summer 2016 Programming Exam

This is an example of the answer to the 2016 summer hospital exam. Problem link

Question theme

--N-ary number


parse1obj = {
    '0' : 0,
    '1' : 1,
    '2' : 2,
    '3' : 3

def FtoT(f):
    f = str(f)
    ret = 0
    for i in range(0, len(f)):
        idx = len(f) - i - 1
        ret += parse1obj[f[idx]] * (4**(i))
    return ret


parse2obj = {
    'a': 0,
    'b': 1,
    'c': 2,
    'd': 3,
    'e': 4,
    'f': 5,
    'g': 6,
    'h': 7

def EtoT(e):
    ret = 0
    for i in range(0, len(e)):
        idx = len(e) - i - 1
        ret += parse2obj[e[idx]] * (8**(i))
    return ret

(3) MMXV


dict4 = {
    'I': 1,
    'V': 5, 
    'X': 10,
    'L': 50,
    'C': 100,
    'D': 500,
    'M': 1000

dict4_1 = {
    'IV': 4,
    'IX': 9,
    'XL': 40,
    'XC': 90,
    'CD': 400,
    'CM': 900

# ruturn bool
def is_reverse(cur_ch, next_ch):
    if (cur_ch == 'I'):
        return next_ch == 'V' or next_ch == 'X'
    if (cur_ch == 'X'):
        return next_ch == 'L' or next_ch == 'C'
    if (cur_ch == 'C'):
        return next_ch == 'D' or next_ch == 'M'
    return False

def parser4(rome):
    ret = 0
    i = 0
    while (i < len(rome)):
        cur_ch = rome[i]
        if (i < len(rome) - 1):
            next_ch = rome[i + 1]
            if (is_reverse(cur_ch, next_ch)):
                key_str =  cur_ch + next_ch
                ret += dict4_1[key_str]
                i += 2
                ret += dict4[cur_ch]
                i += 1
            ret += dict4[cur_ch]
            i += 1
    return ret


def sub_parser5(num, digit):
    if (digit == 4):
        return 'M' * num
    elif (digit == 3):
        if (num == 9):
            return 'CM'
        elif (num == 4):
            return 'CD'
        elif (num >= 5 and num <= 8):
            return 'D' + 'C' * (num - 5) 
            return 'C' * num
    elif (digit == 2):
        if (num == 9):
            return 'XC'
        elif (num == 4):
            return 'XL'
        elif (num >= 5 and num <= 8):
            return 'L' + 'X' * (num - 5) 
            return 'X' * num
    elif (digit == 1):
        if (num == 9):
            return 'IX'
        elif (num == 4):
            return 'IV'
        elif (num >= 5 and num <= 8):
            return 'V' + 'I' * (num - 5) 
            return 'I' * num

def parser5(t):
    str_t = str(t)    
    for i in range(len(str_t), 4):
        str_t = '0' + str_t
    ret = ''
    for i in range(0, len(str_t)):
        num = int(str_t[i])
        ret += sub_parser5(num, len(str_t) - i)
    return ret


def parser6(t):
    str_t = str(t)    
    for i in range(len(str_t), 4):
        str_t = '0' + str_t
    str_t = str_t[::-1]
    fir_num = int(str_t[0])
    sec_num = int(str_t[1])
    thr_num = int(str_t[2])
    for_num = int(str_t[3])
    if (fir_num == 9):
        if (sec_num == 9):
            if (thr_num == 9):
                return (for_num * 'M' + 'IM')
            elif (thr_num == 4):
                return (for_num * 'M' + 'ID')            
                return sub_parser5(for_num, 4) + sub_parser5(thr_num, 4) + 'IC'
        elif (sec_num == 4):
            return sub_parser5(for_num, 4) + sub_parser5(thr_num, 3) + 'IL'
            return sub_parser5(for_nu, 4) + sub_parser5(thr_num, 3) + sub_parser5(sec_num, 2) + 'IX'
        return parser5(t)

(7) (6) I think it's easier ... Since it is less than 100,000, both hundred and thousand will only appear once at the maximum. Use'zero'as a sentinel because it would be a problem if there was no second half after splitting

dict7 = {
    'zero': 0,
    'one': 1,
    'two': 2,
    'three': 3,
    'four': 4,
    'five': 5,
    'six': 6,
    'seven': 7,
    'eight': 8,
    'nine': 9,
    'ten': 10,
    'eleven': 11,
    'twelve': 12,
    'thirteen': 13,
    'fourteen': 14,
    'fifteen': 15,
    'sixteen': 16,
    'seventeen': 17,
    'eighteen': 18,
    'nineteen': 19,
    'twenty': 20,
    'thirty': 30,
    'forty': 40,
    'fifty': 50,
    'sixty': 60,
    'seventy': 70,
    'eighty': 80,
    'ninety': 90,
    'hundred': 100,
    'thousand': 1000,

def parser7(s):
    #Add sentinel
    s += ' zero'
    ret = 0
    array_s = s.split()
    if ('thousand' in array_s):
        t_s = ' '.join(array_s)
        t_s = t_s.split('thousand')
        t_0 = t_s[0]
        t_s0 = t_0.split()
        t_1 = t_s[1]
        t_s1 = t_1.split()
        tmp1 = 0
        for i in range(0, len(t_s0)):
            word = t_s0[i]
            tmp1 += dict7[word]
        ret += tmp1 * 1000
        if ('hundred' in t_s1):
            h_s = t_1.split('hundred')
            h_0 = h_s[0]
            h_s0 = h_0.split()
            h_1 = h_s[1]
            h_s1 = h_1.split()
            tmp2 = 0
            for j in range(0, len(h_s0)):
                word = h_s0[j]
                tmp2 += dict7[word]
            ret += tmp2 * 100
            for k in range(0, len(h_s1)):
                word = h_s1[k]
                ret += dict7[word]
            for j in range(0, len(t_s1)):
                word = t_s1[j]
                ret += dict7[word]
        for i in range(0, len(array_s)):
            word = array_s[i]
            if (dict7[word] == 100):
                ret *= 100
                ret += dict7[word]
    return ret


It takes more time to type than to think I think it's a year where you can complete the answer in time if you do it carefully

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