This is an example of the answer to the 2007 winter hospital exam.
--Route problem
(0,1)- (1,1)- (2,1)-
(1,1)| (2,1)|
(1,2)- (3,2)-
(1,3)- (2,3)-
(2,0)| (2,1)- (1,1)| (2,1)| (3,1)| (1,2)- (1,2)| (3,2)| (0,3)- (1,3)- (2,3)- (3,3)- (3,3)|
(2,0)| (2,1)- (1,1)| (2,1)| (3,1)| (1,2)- (1,2)| (3,2)| (0,3)- (1,3)- (2,3)- (3,3)- (3,3)| (0,2)*(3,3)
(1), (2) ――If there is no break from the hint, you can see that it will be a straight road using all the squares ――At this time, the panels will follow this straight road, so make the same number as the straight road. (n-1)**2
(3) 3-1 4 (0,1)- (1,1)- (2,1)- (1,1)| (2,1)| (1,2)- (3,2)- (3,2)| (1,3)- (2,3)-
3-2 4 (2,0)| (2,1)- (1,1)| (2,1)| (3,1)| (1,2)- (1,2)| (3,2)| (0,3)- (1,3)- (2,3)- (3,3)- (3,3)|
class Panel(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, s):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.s = s
def __repr__(self):
return '({0},{1}): {2}'.format(self.x, self.y, self.s)
def format_txt(text):
text = text.strip()
txt_split_by_space = text.split()
ret = []
for txt_panel in txt_split_by_space:
x = int(txt_panel[1])
y = int(txt_panel[3])
s = txt_panel[5]
ret.append(Panel(x, y, s))
return ret
def solve4(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
n = int(f.readline())
row = 2 * n + 1
maze =[[' ' for _ in range(row)] for _ in range(row)]
# init maze
#Lattice point
for i in range(len(maze)):
for j in range(len(maze)):
if ((i % 2 == 0) and (j % 2 == 0)):
maze[i][j] = '+'
#Outer frame
for i in range(len(maze)):
if (i % 2 == 1 and i > 0):
maze[0][i] = '-'
maze[len(maze)-1][i] = '-'
maze[i][0] = '|'
maze[i][len(maze)-1] = '|'
data = f.readlines()
panels = []
for text in data:
tmp = format_txt(text)
for panel in panels:
x = panel.x
y = panel.y
s = panel.s
if s == '-':
maze[y * 2][x * 2 + 1] = s
if s == '|':
maze[y * 2 + 1][x * 2] = s
for maze_row in maze:
row_txt = ''
for mark in maze_row:
row_txt += mark
return maze
def printmaze(maze):
for maze_row in maze:
txt = ''
for maze_mark in maze_row:
txt += maze_mark
from collections import deque
def init_maze2graph(maze):
n = int((len(maze) - 1)/2)
node_num = n**2
graph = [[] for _ in range(node_num)]
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
node_id = i * n + j
y = i * 2 + 1
x = j * 2 + 1
if maze[y][x-1] == ' ': # left
if maze[y-1][x] == ' ': # up
if maze[y][x+1] == ' ': # right
if maze[y+1][x] == ' ': # down
return graph
def bfs(graph):
node_num = len(graph)
# 0:Undiscovered, 1:Discovery, 2:Reach
color = [0 for _ in range(node_num)]
ret = []
for start in range(node_num):
if (color[start] == 2):
q = deque([start])
color[start] = 1
area = 0
while (len(q) > 0):
u = q.popleft()
color[u] = 2
area += 1
for v in graph[u]:
if color[v] == 0:
color[v] = 1
return ret
def solve5(file_path):
maze = solve4(file_path)
graph = init_maze2graph(maze)
areas = bfs(graph)
return sorted(areas)[::-1]
from collections import deque
from math import sqrt
def init_maze2graph(maze):
n = int((len(maze) - 1) / 2)
node_num = n**2
graph = [[] for _ in range(node_num)]
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
node_id = i * n + j
y = i * 2 + 1
x = j * 2 + 1
if maze[y][x - 1] == ' ': # left
graph[node_id].append(node_id - 1)
if maze[y - 1][x] == ' ': # up
graph[node_id].append(node_id - n)
if maze[y][x + 1] == ' ': # right
graph[node_id].append(node_id + 1)
if maze[y + 1][x] == ' ': # down
graph[node_id].append(node_id + n)
return graph
def dijkstra(graph):
node_num = len(graph)
# 0:Undiscovered, 1:Discovery, 2:Reach
color = [0 for _ in range(node_num)]
inf = int(1e9 + 7)
dist = [inf for _ in range(node_num)]
parent = [-1 for _ in range(node_num)]
s = 0
q = deque([s])
color[s] = 1
dist[s] = 0
while (len(q) > 0):
u = q.popleft()
color[u] = 2
for v in graph[u]:
if color[v] == 2:
if dist[v] > dist[u] + 1:
dist[v] = dist[u] + 1
parent[v] = u
color[v] = 1
return dist, parent
def node_id2cord(node_id, n):
x = node_id % n
y = int(node_id / n)
return x, y
def solve6(file_path):
maze = solve4(file_path)
graph = init_maze2graph(maze)
dist, parent = dijkstra(graph)
node_num = len(graph)
n = int((len(maze) - 1) / 2)
if (dist[node_num - 1] > node_num):
return "cant achieve"
e = node_num - 1
root = [e]
while (e != 0):
p = parent[e]
e = p
root = root[::-1]
ret = '(0, 0)'
for i in range(1, len(root)):
node_id = root[i]
x, y = node_id2cord(node_id, n)
ret += ' ({0}, {1})'.format(x, y)
return ret
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, Id, x, y, isDoor):
self.Id = Id
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.isDoor = isDoor
def __repr__(self):
return 'id: {0}, ({1}, {2}), isDoor: {3}'.format(self.Id, self.x, self.y, self.isDoor)
class Door(object):
def __init__(self, node1, node2):
self.node1 = node1
self.node2 = node2
def __repr__(self):
return '({0}, {1})'.format(self.node1, self.node2)
def cord2node_id(x, y, n):
return x + y * n
def format_txt2(text, n):
text = text.strip()
txt_split_by_space = text.split()
panels = []
doors = []
for txt_panel in txt_split_by_space:
if ('*' in txt_panel):
x1 = int(txt_panel[1])
y1 = int(txt_panel[3])
x2 = int(txt_panel[7])
y2 = int(txt_panel[9])
id1 = cord2node_id(x1, y1, n)
id2 = cord2node_id(x2, y2, n)
node1 = Node(id1, x1, y1, True)
node2 = Node(id2, x2, y2, True)
door = Door(node1, node2)
x = int(txt_panel[1])
y = int(txt_panel[3])
s = txt_panel[5]
panels.append(Panel(x, y, s))
return panels, doors
def inputdata(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
n = int(f.readline())
row = 2 * n + 1
maze =[[' ' for _ in range(row)] for _ in range(row)]
# init maze
#Lattice point
for i in range(len(maze)):
for j in range(len(maze)):
if ((i % 2 == 0) and (j % 2 == 0)):
maze[i][j] = '+'
#Outer frame
for i in range(len(maze)):
if (i % 2 == 1 and i > 0):
maze[0][i] = '-'
maze[len(maze)-1][i] = '-'
maze[i][0] = '|'
maze[i][len(maze)-1] = '|'
data = f.readlines()
panels = []
doors = []
for text in data:
tmp_panels, tmp_doors = format_txt2(text, n)
for panel in panels:
x = panel.x
y = panel.y
s = panel.s
if s == '-':
maze[y * 2][x * 2 + 1] = s
if s == '|':
maze[y * 2 + 1][x * 2] = s
for maze_row in maze:
row_txt = ''
for mark in maze_row:
row_txt += mark
return n, maze, doors
def init_graph(n, maze, doors):
node_num = n**2
graph = [[] for _ in range(node_num)]
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
node_id = i * n + j
y = i * 2 + 1
x = j * 2 + 1
if maze[y][x - 1] == ' ': # left
node = Node(node_id - 1, j - 1, i, False)
if maze[y - 1][x] == ' ': # up
node = Node(node_id - n, j, i - 1, False)
if maze[y][x + 1] == ' ': # right
node = Node(node_id + 1, j + 1, i, False)
if maze[y + 1][x] == ' ': # down
node = Node(node_id + n, j, i + 1, False)
for door in doors:
return graph
def dijkstra2(graph):
node_num = len(graph)
# 0:Undiscovered, 1:Discovery, 2:Reach
color = [0 for _ in range(node_num)]
inf = int(1e9 + 7)
dist = [inf for _ in range(node_num)]
dfnode = Node(-1, -1, -1, False)
parent = [dfnode for _ in range(node_num)]
s = 0
node_s = Node(0, 0, 0, False)
q = deque([node_s])
color[s] = 1
dist[s] = 0
while (len(q) > 0):
node_u = q.popleft()
color[node_u.Id] = 2
for node_v in graph[node_u.Id]:
if color[node_v.Id] == 2:
if dist[node_v.Id] > dist[node_u.Id] + 1:
dist[node_v.Id] = dist[node_u.Id] + 1
parent[node_v.Id] = node_u
color[node_v.Id] = 1
return dist, parent
def solve7(file_path):
n, maze, doors = inputdata(file_path)
graph = init_graph(n, maze, doors)
dist, parent = dijkstra2(graph)
node_num = len(graph)
if (dist[node_num - 1] > node_num):
return "cant achieve"
node_e = Node(node_num-1, n - 1, n - 1, False)
root = [node_e]
while (node_e.Id != 0):
node_p = parent[node_e.Id]
node_e = node_p
root = root[::-1]
doors_set = set()
for door in doors:
doors_set.add('({0},{1})*({2},{3})'.format(door.node1.x, door.node1.y, door.node2.x, door.node2.y))
doors_set.add('({0},{1})*({2},{3})'.format(door.node2.x, door.node2.y, door.node1.x, door.node1.y))
i = 0
ret = ''
while (i < len(root)):
if i < len(root) - 1:
node1 = root[i]
node2 = root[i+1]
txt_id1 = '({0},{1})*({2},{3})'.format(node1.x, node1.y, node2.x, node2.y)
txt_id2 = '({0},{1})*({2},{3})'.format(node2.x, node2.y, node1.x, node1.y)
isDoor = ((txt_id1 in doors_set) or (txt_id2 in doors_set))
if (isDoor):
i += 2
ret += '({0},{1})*({2},{3}) '.format(node1.x, node1.y, node2.x, node2.y)
i += 1
ret += '({0},{1}) '.format(node1.x, node1.y)
node = root[i]
ret += '({0},{1}) '.format(node.x, node.y)
i += 1
return ret[:-1]
――Hmm, it's not interesting, but the impression that it's a proper test ――I've heard the basics of width (depth) priority search and Dijkstra (it's like Dijkstra because the cost is all 1), but that's too easy, so how to make a graph from an input file? It's quite annoying ――I personally think that it was a year in which mounting power and mounting speed were emphasized. --The Node class isDoor has been completely uselessly implemented lol
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