This time, I will describe how to handle MySQL in Python.
Reference: [How to connect to MySQL with Python [For beginners]](
(Premise: `Python``` can be used,
pip``` command can be used, ``
brew``` command can be used)
pip install mysqlclient
to install MySQL. brew install mysql-connector-c
to make MySQL accessible.#----------------
#Standard library
#import pymysql.cursors #For Raspberry Pi, Win
import MySQLdb #for mac
#When using the upper one on mac
# pip3 install pymysql
#Must be installed with
#cnct = pymysql.connect( #For Raspberry Pi
cnct = MySQLdb.connect( #Win,for mac
host = "localhost", #hostname
user = "root", #MySQL username
password = "", #MySQL user password
db = "test", #Database name
charset = "utf8" #Character code
TABLE = "test" #table name
cur = cnct.cursor()
#Operate the database here
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + TABLE + ";") #SQL commands
results = cur.fetchall() #Store the result in result
print("Show all")
print("Display line by line")
for r in results:
print(r) #Since r is an array, if you want to display it in element units, you can specify the index. Example: print(r[0])
If you want to display whether there is data in the if statement
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + TABLE + ";")
results = cur.fetchall()
if results: #Data exists in the array results
print("There is data")
else: #No data in array results (array is empty)
print("No data")
#Add data
cur.execute("INSERT INTO " + TABLE + " " + ROW + " VALUES (%s,%s);", ("test1","test2"))
cur.execute("INSERT INTO " + TABLE + " " + ROW + " VALUES (%s,%s);", ("test3","test4"))
cnct.commit() #Save the changes you made to the database. Without this, it will not be reflected in MySQL.
cur.execute("DELETE FROM " + TABLE + ";") #Delete all data. To specify deleted data, specify it in the WHERE clause.
cnct.commit() #Save the changes you made to the database. Without this, it will not be reflected in MySQL.
#Standard library
#import pymysql.cursors #For Raspberry Pi
import MySQLdb
#Database connection
#cnct = pymysql.connect( #For Raspberry Pi
cnct = MySQLdb.connect(
host = "localhost",
user = "root",
password = "",
db = "test",
charset = "utf8"
TABLE = "test"
ROW = "(data1,data2)" #To specify the column of data to add
cur = cnct.cursor()
#Database operation
#Add data
cur.execute("INSERT INTO " + TABLE + " " + ROW + " VALUES (%s,%s);", ("test1","test2"))
cur.execute("INSERT INTO " + TABLE + " " + ROW + " VALUES (%s,%s);", ("test3","test4"))
cnct.commit() #Save changes made to the database
#Data acquisition / display
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + TABLE + ";")
results = cur.fetchall()
print("Show all")
print("Display line by line")
for r in results:
print(r) #Since r is an array, if you want to display it in element units, you can specify the index. Example: print(r[0])
#Delete data
cur.execute("DELETE FROM " + TABLE + ";") #Delete all data. To specify deleted data, specify it in the WHERE clause.
cnct.commit() #Save changes made to the database
print("\n") #Line breaks on two lines. Print to break only one line()Designated as
#Data acquisition / display
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + TABLE + ";")
results = cur.fetchall()
if results:
print("There is data")
print("No data")
#Database disconnection
"""MySQL operations in the terminal
Start MySQL
$ mysql.server start
MySQL connection
$ mysql -u root
Exit MySQL
$ mysql.server stop
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