Read a Python # .txt file for a super beginner in Python with a working .py

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This article is written for beginners in programming and Python.

Read a .txt file as a working .py file

When I try to read a text file with the python file I'm working on, I get an error saying No such file or directory: and I can't read the text file. 4 hours to fight ... It came to a solution.

Preface-everything started here

f = open("trial_data.txt")
#FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'trial_data'

Gabyen! !! !! is. It's been 4 hours since I knocked it down.

Solution-Happy End

Put the text file in the location of current directory

I noticed that. It is "google in python current directory" on the question site. This one word led to a solution.

import os

currentdir = os.getcwd()


So put trial_data in C: \ Users \ (username) and it's solved.

It was an embarrassing skill for PC beginners and programming beginners ...


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