Try working with Mongo in Python on Mac

The version of Python on my Mac is 2.7.10, so I need to match the version and install pymongo by the following method.

sudo pip install pymongo==2.7.2

Get connection

Connect to the local MongoDB, and if there is a DB called hoge on MongoDB, write as follows to get the connection.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from pymongo import Connection

#Get mongodb connection
con = Connection('localhost', 27017)
db = con.hoge

Get collection

If there is a collection called hoge_mst in a DB called hoge, get the collection as follows.

col = db.hoge_mst

Getting data from a collection

Get only one

print col.find_one()

Get all

for item in col.find():
	print item

I want to get all items and use only the necessary items

key1If you want to get the value only for the column in the collection

for item in col.find():
	print item['key1']

I want to specify the search conditions and get

itemidGet only those with a key of 2

for item in col.find({'itemID':2}):
	print item['key1']

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