Install Java2Python on macOS High Sierra (10.13)


I will explain the procedure to install a language translator called Java2Python on macOS High Sierra (10.13).


When I install Python3 with Homebrew on macOS, it seems that the pip that comes with Xcode (Python 2.7) is corrupted. (If you look closely, you can cure it, but I usually don't use Python 2.7, so I left it alone.)

However, Java2Python depends on Python 2.7, so you need to repair pip or install it without using pip.

How to install Java2Python

This paper describes an installation method that does not use pip.

Below, we will proceed on the assumption that Xcode 9.0 is installed on macOS High Sierra (10.13).

  1. Download ʻantlr_python_runtime-3.1.3.tar.gz` from antlr_python_runtime 3.1.3.
  2. Unpack the Tarball and run sudo python install.
  3. Clone java2python.
  4. Execute sudo python install.

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