[Ruby on Rails] Use the resources method to automatically create routes.


I will keep a memorandum about the resources method.

resources method

-The resources method is a method to write in the ** routes.rb ** file. -You can add the routing of 7 actions that are the basis of Rails at once.

7 basic Rails actions

The seven basic actions are listed below.

action HTTP role URL
index get Display a list of resources. /users
show get View resource details. /users/:id
new get Create a new resource. /users/new
create post Create a new resource and save it. /users
edit get Edit the resource. /users/:id/edit
update put/patch Update resources. /users/:id
destroy delete Delete the resource. /users/:id

How to define

First, check the routing without defining the resources method, and make sure nothing is defined.

Next, define the resources method as follows.


Rails.application.routes.draw do
#Resources method define
  resources :users

If you check the routing after defining it ... You can see that the routing of 7 basic actions has been added.

Prefix    Verb      URI Pattern                  Controller#Action

users     GET       /users(.:format)              users#index
          POST      /users(.:format)              users#create
new_user  GET       /users/new(.:format)          users#new
edit_user GET       /users/:id/edit(.:format)     users#edit
user      GET       /users/:id(.:format)          users#show
          PATCH     /users/:id(.:format)          users#update
          PUT       /users/:id(.:format)          users#update
          DELETE    /users/:id(.:format)          users#destroy

resources method options

From now on, let's take a look at the options for the resources method.

only It can be used when you want to specify only a specific action out of the 7 actions.


Rails.application.routes.draw do
#create action and new action only
  resources :users, only:[:create, :new]

Looking at the routing, it looks like this.

          POST      /users(.:format)              users#create
new_user  GET       /users/new(.:format)          users#new

memeber The member method can add actions other than the seven actions. First, the definition method is described below.


Rails.application.routes.draw do
#How to define member method
  resources :users do
    member do
      get :following, :followers

By defining in this way, the following routing can be obtained in addition to the seven actions. The member method allows you to define actions for individual resources ** specified by ** id.

Prefix            Verb      URI Pattern                       Controller#Action

following_user    GET       /users/:id/following(.:format)    users#following
followers_user    GET       /users/:id/followers(.:format)    users#followers
users             GET       /users(.:format)                  users#index
                  POST      /users(.:format)                  users#create
new_user          GET       /users/new(.:format)              users#new
edit_user         GET       /users/:id/edit(.:format)         users#edit
user              GET       /users/:id(.:format)              users#show
                  PATCH     /users/:id(.:format)              users#update
                  PUT       /users/:id(.:format)              users#update
                  DELETE    /users/:id(.:format)              users#destroy

collection Like the member method, the collection method can add actions other than the seven actions. The difference from the member method is that the collection method defines ** actions ** for the entire resource.

The definition method is the same as the member method.


Rails.application.routes.draw do
#How to define collection method
  resources :users do
    collection do
      get :following, :followers

If you look at the routing, you can see that it is added in addition to the 7 actions like the member method. However, the part of URI Pattern is different. In the collection method, the action is defined for all resources, so the **:/id ** part is omitted.

Prefix            Verb      URI Pattern                       Controller#Action

following_user    GET       /users/following(.:format)    users#following
followers_user    GET       /users/followers(.:format)        users#followers
users             GET       /users(.:format)                  users#index
                  POST      /users(.:format)                  users#create
new_user          GET       /users/new(.:format)              users#new
edit_user         GET       /users/:id/edit(.:format)         users#edit
user              GET       /users/:id(.:format)              users#show
                  PATCH     /users/:id(.:format)              users#update
                  PUT       /users/:id(.:format)              users#update
                  DELETE    /users/:id(.:format)              users#destroy

** [Comparison of two methods] **

Prefix            Verb      URI Pattern                       Controller#Action

##member method
following_user    GET       /users/:id/following(.:format)    users#following
followers_user    GET       /users/:id/followers(.:format)    users#followers

##collection method
following_user    GET       /users/following(.:format)        users#following
followers_user    GET       /users/followers(.:format)        users#followers


Rails tutorial Chapter 7 User registration https://railstutorial.jp/chapters/sign_up?version=4.2

Rails tutorial Chapter 14 Follow users https://railstutorial.jp/chapters/following_users?version=6.0#cha-following_users

[Rails] Let's define the routing using the resources method! https://pikawaka.com/rails/resources

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