When you want to use the method outside


1. Conclusion </ b>

2. What is a method </ b>

3. How to use </ b>

4. Another solution </ b>

  1. Conclusion

Use instance variables and instance methods!

2. What is a method

"A fixed way to achieve the purpose. Method. Method"

However, in simple terms, it can be used by attaching it to a variable (instance method), or it refers to an original method such as an equation (length, each, times, etc.)!

When using it outside, the concept of scope comes out. I wrote a little in the article below!

Difference between variables and instance variables "
3. How to use

Then, what actually happens is as follows.

Relationship between instance methods and instance variables

class Student

 def initialize(gender, height, personality)
  @gender = gender
  @height = height
  @personality = personality
 def gender

 def height

 def personality


student = Student.new("Man", "175cm", "friendly")
puts "sex:#{student.gender}height:#{student.height}Personality:#{student.personality}" 

By doing this, you can freely attach methods to variables. It can also be used outside the "def end" (beyond the scope)!

4. Another solution

You can write the same in the method!

Completed within the method

class student

def initialize(gender, height, personality)
  @gender = gender
  @height = height
  @personality = personality
  puts "sex:#{@gender}height:#{@height}#Personality:#{@personality}"

student = Student.new("Man", "175cm", "friendly")

You can still use it inside the method!

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