The first thing to do before you can use Rails6 Ajax

I got lost in Ajax while creating a portfolio, so I'll leave this article for myself in the future.

jQuery related

Install jQuery library

$ yarn add [email protected]

Webpack environment editing


const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')

#Add the following
const webpack = require('webpack')
  new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
    $: 'jquery/src/jquery',
    jQuery: 'jquery/src/jquery'
#So far
module.exports = environment

Added to application.js



Browser related

In order for Ajax to start even if javascript is disabled on the browser side


module "app name"
  class Application < Rails::Application
    #Add this!
    config.action_view.embed_authenticity_token_in_remote_forms = true

All you have to do is write it down! !!

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