Deploy to Heroku [Ruby on Rails] Beginner

Development environment: macOS Catalina / GitHub / MySQL

1. Install Heroku CLI


% brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku

Check version

% heroku --version

Installation is complete when the version is output

Official site:

2. Log in

% heroku login --interactive
  Email:Enter each
  password:Enter each

: information_desk_person: Login successful if the registered email address is displayed after Logged in as

3. Introduction of Gem

Gemfile * Enter at the bottom


group :production do
   gem 'rails_12factor'

: information_desk_person: Don't forget to bundle install and reboot

: information_desk_person: Commit if managed by Git

4. Create an application on Heroku

% heroku create [Application name]
% git config --list | grep heroku

: information_desk_person: At this time, if anything other than "fatal: not in a git directory" is output, the creation is complete!

5. Commands that enable you to use MySQL

% heroku addons:add cleardb
% heroku_cleardb=`heroku config:get CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL`
% heroku config:set DATABASE_URL=mysql2${heroku_cleardb:5}

: information_desk_person: URL "mysql2" changes depending on Gem usage ** After that, set environment variables to manage private values. ** **

6. Command to confirm publication

% heroku apps:info


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