I learned that there is a way to specify constraints when saving data for migration files and model files, so I tried to summarize typical validations again. (I studied a long time ago, but I will summarize it in qiita again.)
macOS Catalina 10.15.7 VS Code 1.50.0 Ruby 2.6.5 Rails 6.0.0
→ Restriction that cannot be saved when the data is empty
[How to write in the migration file] null: false
t.string :address, null: false
[How to write in the model file] presence: true
validates :address, presence: true
→ Restriction that the same data cannot be saved more than once [How to write in the migration file] unique: true
t.string :address, unique: true
[How to write in the model file] uniqueness: true
validates :address, uniqueness: true
→ Restriction that data cannot be saved when it is empty and the same data cannot be saved more than once. (NOT NULL constraint and unique constraint) (Restrictions set automatically for id column)
[How to write in the migration file] primary_key: true
t.string :address, primary_key: true
→ Restriction that data cannot be saved unless the data that becomes the foreign key always exists
[How to write in the migration file] foreign_key: true
t.string :address, foreign_key: true
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