Deploy Vapor Project to Heroku

I decided to participate in Vapor Advent Calendar 2020, and I wrote it as a memorandum.

First, create a new project. Go to any directory in the terminal


$ vapor new [project name]

And enter the command. Please change the place of `[project name]` as appropriate.


Would you like to use Fluent? (--fluent) 
Which database would you like to use? (--fluent.db)
Would you like to use Leaf? (--leaf)

This time, we will also use Fluent to migrate the DB. Answer y to the question on the terminal. DB uses Postgress.

Next, add LinuxMain.swift with the following command.


$ swift test --generate-linuxmain

Launch Xcode

Make settings to read index.leaf in Resources/views. After launching Xcode, first click on the project name in the upper left and select Edit Scheme.


You can set the Working Directry on this screen, so please match it with the location of the Vapor project.


Next, add the code for migrating to configure.swift.



Next, make routes.swift as follows.


import Fluent
import Vapor

// MARK: - Date extention

extension Date {
    func currentTime() -> String {
        let formatter = DateFormatter()
        formatter.timeZone = .current
        formatter.locale = .current
        formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
        return formatter.string(from: self)

func routes(_ app: Application) throws {
    app.get() { req -> EventLoopFuture<View> in
        //Record last visit time in cookie["last_visited_at"] = Date().currentTime()
        return req.view.render("index", ["title": "Hello Vapor!"])

    app.get("hello") { req -> String in
        return "Hello, world!"

    try app.register(collection: TodoController())

With this, after Migrate, Session ID will be given to the person who visited the website and it will be possible to check it on the DB.

Push to Heroku

Create a heroku account before pushing to heroku.

Because I use heloku CLI in the terminal


$ brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku

Then create a local repository.


$ git init 
$ git add . 
$ git commit -m "initial commit" 

Now that you're ready to push to heroku, log in


$ heroku login

Create a new heroku application.


$ vapor heroku init 

Region is US, deploy method is buildpack, swift ver is optional (my environment was 5.3)

If you answer all the other questions as y, the deployment will start. (It takes about 10 minutes.)


Verifying deploy... done.

Is displayed, it is successful. However


$ vapor heroku init

Since the randomly generated name is applied to the heroku application created in


$ heroku rename [name]

You can change the name with.

My Great on Heroku

Set the database on the management screen of heroku.

Select Heroku Postgres


Based on the information of DatabaseCredentials, we will register the environment variables on the management screen of heroku.

スクリーンショット 2020-12-19 12.34.53.png

Go to Settings-> Config Vars


Add the four environment variables of.


After adding, select Run console from the menu on the upper right



$ Run migrate

If successful, you will be able to use the database.

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