[ev3dev × Python] SSH Control (remote control with keyboard)

This article is for anyone who wants to work with ev3 in Python. This time, I would like to use the keyboard for remote control. Specifically, it's like pressing the w key to move forward.

table of contents

  1. What to prepare 1 . SSH Control
  2. Glossary

0. What to prepare

◯ ev3 (tank) + M motor ◯ Personal computer (VS Code) ◯ bluetooth ◯ microSD ◯ Material (It is recommended to proceed while watching this.) ◯ Reference site: SSH Control

1.SSH Control


#!/usr/bin/env python3

#Import only what you need
import termios, tty, sys
from ev3dev2.motor import OUTPUT_A,OUTPUT_B,OUTPUT_C,MoveTank,MediumMotor

#Instance generation
tank_drive = MoveTank(OUTPUT_A,OUTPUT_B)
m_c = MediumMotor(OUTPUT_C)

#Define a function to get the pressed key
def getch():
    #Get standard input file descriptor
    fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
    #Get terminal attributes of file descriptor
    old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
    #Make it unnecessary to press the enter key
    #Receive characters typed on the keyboard
    ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
    #Restore the terminal attributes of the file descriptor
    termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
    #ch(character =In this case the pressed key)return it
    return ch

#Define the function that drives the M motor
def fire():
#Define a function for the tank to move forward
def forward():
#Define a function for the tank to move backwards
def back():
#Define a function for the tank to turn left
def left():
#Define a function for the tank to turn right
def right():
#Define a function that stops all motors
def stop():

#infinite loop
while True:
   #getch()Substitute the value returned by
   k = getch()
   #k(Pressed key)To display
   #Determine the movement corresponding to the pressed key
   if k == 'w':
   if k == 's':
   if k == 'd':
   if k == 'a':
   if k == 'f':
   #If the key pressed is the space bar
   if k == ' ':
   if k == 'q':

** Point **: A program that acquires the pressed key and remotely controls it with SSH

** Point **: Program execution

  1. Right-click on ev3dev with the green light on and press Open SSH Terminal.

  2. Enter ssh [email protected].

  3. You will be asked for a password, so enter maker.

  4. Type pwd to see the current directory. (Current whereabouts)

  5. Move to the directory where your program exists by doing "cd directory`"! (Directory is a folder)

  6. If you can move it, type python3 program name.py and press enter.

  7. The screen of the intelligent block does not change, but it can be executed.

1. Glossary

I think there were a lot of words I didn't understand this time, so I'll explain them briefly.

SSH : A mechanism for connecting to other computers (mainly servers) via a network and operating them remotely. During communication, the information handled is encrypted.

◯ ** termios module **: Low level terminal control interface.

・ ** Terminal **: The part responsible for input and output of information. A device that performs input / output and communication with the main computer.

·interface A common area that connects different types of things.

◯ ** tty module **: A set of convenient functions for general terminal control operations.

・ ** tty **: Abbreviation that means any text terminal. Refers to ** terminal emulator **, etc. via a pseudo terminal device in a window system.

・ ** Text terminal **: Input / output device that inputs and displays text (character string)

・ ** Terminal emulator **: Software that works as a terminal.

・ ** Functions **: A collection of functions

◯ ** File descriptor **: File descriptor, fd. A mark assigned to a file (path to) to identify the file.

·File : What can read and write data as a byte string

· ** Byte string **: A byte string is a set of 1-byte data consisting of arbitrary bit patterns that are not given a specific format or meaning such as characters or numbers.

・ ** Bit pattern **: A combination of "0" and "1" bits, which is the smallest unit that a computer can handle.

·Part-Time Job : It is abbreviated as "B" in the unit that expresses the amount of information on a computer. One byte is composed of eight units called bits that represent 0 or 1. It is used for memory and disk capacity, minimum instruction code for programs, etc.

◯ ** sys module **: Module for handling information about Python interpreter and execution environment

·module : (Python) A file that contains code.

-** Python standard library **: A collection of modules. Official Standard Library Tutorial

・ ** Interpreter **: Software that works while reading source code line by line and converting it into instructions that can be executed by a computer. Since the program is processed line by line, the processing speed is not fast.

stdin : Standard input from the keyboard. standard input. You can receive characters entered on the keyboard. fd = 0

fileno : = file-number = file.No 0,1,2.. Function to get the file descriptor (fd) of a file object Returns an integer file descriptor This time, File object = characters typed on the keyboard

tcgetattr(fd) : Returns a list containing the terminal attributes of the file descriptor fd.

・ Tc = terminal computer = terminal computer ・ Get = get ・ Attr = attribute = attribute

setbreak() : Allows you to enter characters without pressing the enter key. On the contrary, without this, it is not possible to input with one character.

read() : Read file

termios.tcsetattr(fd, when, attributes) : Extract the terminal attributes of the file descriptor fd from attributes and set them. attributes (= attributes) is a list that tcgetattr () returns. The argument when determines when the attribute changes: -TCSANOW makes immediate changes. -TCSADRAIN makes changes after transferring all currently queued output. · TCSAFLUSH transfers all currently queued outputs, ignores all queued inputs, and then makes changes.

Reference article: Detect keystrokes in Python (without Enter) What is standard input / standard output? Mac Terminal Command List (Basic) TERMIOS


Thank you for reading! !!

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