Project Euler # 15 "Lattice Path" in Python

Problem 15 "Lattice Path"

If you start from the upper left of the 2 × 2 square, there are 6 routes that go to the lower right without turning back.


Then, how many routes are there in the 20 × 20 square?


# n = 2
n = 20

route_nums = {}

seq = range(1, n+2)

def compute_route_num(i, j):
  if(i == 1 or j == 1):
    return 1
    return route_nums[(i-1, j)] + route_nums[(i, j-1)]

for i in seq:
  for j in seq:
    route = compute_route_num(i, j)
    route_nums[(i, j)] = route

result = route_nums[(n+1, n+1)]

print result
print result == 137846528820



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