Python decorator operation memo

When you're studying Python programming with decorators, you can understand it on the spot, but you'll soon forget it. So, this time, I tried to actually operate the sample application that dynamically adds a method, and made a note of what values each parameter holds.

■ Use decorators to dynamically add methods

(1) Sample program

This is a sample program that decorates methods with arguments (func1, func2).

import sys
import json
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def api_method(api_name):
    def _api_method(fn):
        setattr(fn, '__api_name__', api_name)
        return fn
    return _api_method

class Sample(object):
    def __init__(self):
        log.debug(json.dumps(dir(self), sort_keys=False, indent=4))

        self._api_methods = {}
        for method_name in dir(self):
            method = getattr(self, method_name)
                name = getattr(method, '__api_name__')
                msg = 'API method {0} registered'.format(name)
                self._api_methods[name] = method
            except AttributeError:


    def _func1(self, params):
        print ("*** func1 : params=[%s]"%params)
        return "func1 is done!"

    def _func2(self, params):
        print ("*** func2 : params=[%s]"%params)
        return "func2 is done!"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = sys.argv
    if len(args) == 3:
        method = args[1]
        params = args[2]

    m = Sample()
    result = m._api_methods[method](params)
    print ("*** result=[%s]"%result)

(2) Actually move it

First, let's move the func1 method

$ python func1 aaa
DEBUG:__main__:fn=<function Sample._func1 at 0x10dde60d0>
DEBUG:__main__:fn=<function Sample._func2 at 0x10dde6158>
DEBUG:__main__:API method func1 registered
DEBUG:__main__:API method func2 registered
DEBUG:__main__:_api_methods=[{'func1': <bound method Sample._func1 of <__main__.Sample object at 0x10ddde898>>, 'func2': <bound method Sample._func2 of <__main__.Sample object at 0x10ddde898>>}]
*** func1 : params=[aaa]
*** result=[func1 is done!]

Next, try running the func2 method

$ python func2 bbb
DEBUG:__main__:fn=<function Sample._func1 at 0x10f9790d0>
DEBUG:__main__:fn=<function Sample._func2 at 0x10f979158>
DEBUG:__main__:API method func1 registered
DEBUG:__main__:API method func2 registered
DEBUG:__main__:_api_methods=[{'func1': <bound method Sample._func1 of <__main__.Sample object at 0x10f971908>>, 'func2': <bound method Sample._func2 of <__main__.Sample object at 0x10f971908>>}]
*** func2 : params=[bbb]
*** result=[func2 is done!]

I was able to start it properly.

■ Try adding methods dynamically without using a decorator

(1) Sample program

This is a sample program that works in the same way without using decorations.

import sys
import json
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Sample(object):
    def __init__(self):
        log.debug(json.dumps(dir(self), sort_keys=False, indent=4))

    def func1(self, params):
        print ("*** func1 : params=[%s]"%params)
        return "func1 is done!"

    def func2(self, params):
        print ("*** func2 : params=[%s]"%params)
        return "func2 is done!"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = sys.argv
    if len(args) == 3:
        method = args[1]
        params = args[2]

    m = Sample()
    meth = getattr(m, method, None)
    if meth:
        result = meth(params)
        print ("*** result=[%s]"%result)

(2) Actually move it

First, let's move the func1 method

$ python func1 aaa
*** func1 : params=[aaa]
*** result=[func1 is done!]

Next, try running the func2 method

$ python func2 bbb
*** func2 : params=[bbb]
*** result=[func2 is done!]

This was also able to start correctly.

■ Further expansion

When creating an app that adds methods dynamically, I feel that it is simpler to write code without creating a decorator, but when is it desirable to use a decorator? I think it's just for the purpose of decorating the method, such as adding a DEBUG statement, so I extended it further.

(1) Sample program

import sys
import json
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def api_method(api_name):
    def _api_method(fn):
        def _wrap(*args, **kwargs):
            log.debug("--Preprocessing-- [{}]".format(api_name))
            ret = fn(*args, **kwargs)
            log.debug("--Post-processing-- [{}]".format(api_name))
            return ret
        return _wrap
    return _api_method

class Sample(object):
    def __init__(self):
        log.debug(json.dumps(dir(self), sort_keys=False, indent=4))

    def func1(self, params):
        print ("*** func1 : params=[%s]"%params)
        return "func1 is done!"

    def func2(self, params):
        print ("*** func2 : params=[%s]"%params)
        return "func2 is done!"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = sys.argv
    if len(args) == 3:
        method = args[1]
        params = args[2]

    m = Sample()
    meth = getattr(m, method, None)
    if meth:
        result = meth(params)
        print ("*** result=[%s]"%result)

(2) Actually move it

First, let's move the func1 method

$ python func1 aaa
DEBUG:__main__:fn=<function Sample.func1 at 0x10aba10d0>
DEBUG:__main__:fn=<function Sample.func2 at 0x10aba11e0>
DEBUG:__main__:--Preprocessing-- [func1]
*** func1 : params=[aaa]
DEBUG:__main__:--Post-processing-- [func1]
*** result=[func1 is done!]

Next, try running the func2 method

$ python func2 bbb
DEBUG:__main__:fn=<function Sample.func1 at 0x106a1d0d0>
DEBUG:__main__:fn=<function Sample.func2 at 0x106a1d1e0>
DEBUG:__main__:--Preprocessing-- [func2]
*** func2 : params=[bbb]
DEBUG:__main__:--Post-processing-- [func2]
*** result=[func2 is done!]

It's working nicely now. that's all

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