Python memo


At this study session, I was going to do some programming using Python.

Study content

The following 4 questions were challenged in this lecture

9×9 curtain Odds of Oddness Is. Below, I will describe the points that I personally felt different from java and C language when I actually solved these problems.

9×9 In this problem, I mainly solved the problem by dealing with numerical values in the input function. Python is different from the java and C languages you've learned so far a = 1 I thought that it is a very convenient point that the output becomes 1 just by inputting Also, use map (int, input (). Split ()) when entering multiple numbers in one line. curtain In this problem, if the difference between A and 2B is less than 0, the window will be completely covered. ʻIf [conditional expression]: [Processing when the conditional expression is true] else: [Processing when the condition is false] ` It was easy to solve using. The difference between the If statement and java or C language is that after entering the conditional expression,: is required, and when entering the processing content, enter it with a line break.

Odds of Oddness In this problem, if the number of N entered is even, the odd numbers below N will be N / 2, and if N is odd, the odd numbers below N will be N / 2 + 1. It can be solved by using the if statement used. Here we use a new remainder and division. The remainder of x ÷ y is in x% y You can find the quotient of x ÷ y with x / y In this problem, I solved the problem by dividing it into even numbers when the remainder was 0 and odd numbers when it was not 0.

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