[Python] EDA memo

Purpose of this article

Make a note of frequently used code in EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis), which is performed at the beginning of data analysis. This time, in particular, we assume the case of classification problems (such as the prediction of passenger survival on the Titanic).

Code commentary

Library load

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import japanize_matplotlib

import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import warnings

Data reading

df = sns.load_dataset("titanic")
df = df.replace(float("nan"),np.nan) #Later unique()For the calculation of


Check the contents of each variable

for colname in df.columns:
    uni = len(df[colname].unique())
    print("{0:<20} : {1}".format(colname, uni))


Objective variable setting, variable type definition

cate_list = ["pclass", "sex", "sibsp", "parch", "embarked", "class", 
                 "who", "adult_male", "deck", "embark_town", "alone"] #Ignore alive
num_list = ["age", "fare"]
all_list = cate_list + num_list

Confirmation of NaN etc.

See the article here


Categorical data

If you just want to check it easily, use the following two types.

sns.countplot(x="pclass", hue=target, data=df)


sns.catplot(x="pclass", hue=target, data=df,kind="count")


Furthermore, if you want to know about NaN and average, define and use the following function.

def category_plot(x, hue, data, order=[]):
    #NaN to string
    flag_nan = False
    data[x] = data[x].astype("str").replace("nan","NaN")
    if "NaN" in data[x].values:
        flag_nan = True

    x_unique_list = sorted(data[x].unique())
    x_unique_len = len(x_unique_list)
    x_unique_len_dropna = x_unique_len-1 if flag_nan else x_unique_len

    hue_unique_list = sorted(data[hue].unique())
    hue_unique_len = len(hue_unique_list)

    if order==[]:
        if flag_nan:
            order = x_unique_list
            order = order + ["NaN"]
            order = x_unique_list
    colors = plt.get_cmap("tab10").colors

    sns.countplot(x=x, hue=hue, data=data, order=order,hue_order=hue_unique_list)

    for i,ui in enumerate(hue_unique_list):
        h = data.loc[data[hue]==ui,:].shape[0] / x_unique_len_dropna
        plt.plot([0-0.5,x_unique_len_dropna-1+0.5],[h,h],color=colors[i], linestyle="dashed", label="{0} (average)".format(ui))

category_plot(x="pclass", hue=target, data=df)


category_plot(x="embarked", hue=target, data=df)


category_plot(x="deck", hue=target, data=df)


Numerical data

If you look at the following two types of plots, it's almost OK

sns.catplot(x=target, y="age", data=df,kind="swarm")


sns.catplot(x=target, y="age", data=df,kind="violin")



seaborn:seaborn.catplot seaborn:seaborn.countplot

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