[Python] Regularly export from CloudWatch Logs to S3 with Lambda

Periodically export the logs saved in CloudWatch Logs to S3 created in [AWS] CloudFormation to create S3 buckets and set lifecycle rules It is a story of developing Lambda with Python.

I have created a GitHub repository for easy trial-> homoluctus / lambda-cwlogs-s3


--Export the previous day's log to JST 14:00 every day --Multiple log groups can be exported

development of


Development library

Production library

Deployment tool

AWS service


Since it is impossible to put all the code, only the main code is put for explanation. See Repository for the complete source code.

Class for log group setting to export

Enabled to set multiple log groups to be exported like TypeScript Interface. If you want to add a log group to export, just inherit the LogGroup class.

I'm trying to make it easier to see which log group's log the S3 object key to export is when. As I wrote in docstring, it has a hierarchical structure such as dest_bucket / dest_obj_first_prefix or log_group / dest_obj_final_prefix / *. If dest_obj_first_prefix is not specified, the name of log_group will be entered. After *, it looks like export task ID / log stream / file. This is automatically added and cannot be controlled.

class LogGroup(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """Configuration base class for exporting CloudWatch Logs to S3

How to add a log group to export

    class Example(LogGroup):
        log_group = 'test'

    # log_group is required, otherwise optional
    log_group: ClassVar[str]

    log_stream: ClassVar[str] = ''
    start_time: ClassVar[int] = get_specific_time_on_yesterday(
        hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
    end_time: ClassVar[int] = get_specific_time_on_yesterday(
        hour=23, minute=59, second=59)
    dest_bucket: ClassVar[str] = 'lambda-cwlogs-s3'
    dest_obj_first_prefix: ClassVar[str] = ''
    dest_obj_final_prefix: ClassVar[str] = get_yesterday('%Y-%m-%d')

    def get_dest_obj_prefix(cls) -> str:
        """Get the full S3 object prefix

Hierarchical structure of S3


        first_prefix = cls.dest_obj_first_prefix or cls.log_group
        return f'{first_prefix}/{cls.dest_obj_final_prefix}'

    def to_args(cls) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int]]:
        args: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = {
            'logGroupName': cls.log_group,
            'fromTime': cls.start_time,
            'to': cls.end_time,
            'destination': cls.dest_bucket,
            'destinationPrefix': cls.get_dest_obj_prefix()

        if cls.log_stream:
            args['logStreamNamePrefix'] = cls.log_stream

        return args

CloudWatch Logs Client

The CloudWatch Logs API uses the following two

class Exporter:
    region: InitVar[str]
    client: CloudWatchLogsClient = field(init=False)

    def __post_init__(self, region: str):
        self.client = boto3.client('logs', region_name=region)

    def export(self, target: Type[LogGroup]) -> str:
        """Export any CloudWatch Logs log group to S3

            target (Type[LogGroup])


            str:TaskId included in response from CloudWatch Logs API

            response = self.client.create_export_task(
                **target.to_args())  # type: ignore
            return response['taskId']
        except Exception as err:
            raise ExportToS3Error(err)

    def get_export_progress(self, task_id: str) -> str:
            response = self.client.describe_export_tasks(taskId=task_id)
            status = response['exportTasks'][0]['status']['code']
            return status
        except Exception as err:
            raise GetExportTaskError(err)

    def finishes(cls, status_code: str) -> bool:
        """Determine from the status code whether the export task has finished

            status_code (str):
                describe_export_Status code included in the tasks response

            ExportToS3Failure:If the status code is CANCELLED or FAILED


        uppercase_status_code = status_code.upper()

        if uppercase_status_code == 'COMPLETED':
            return True
        elif uppercase_status_code in ['CANCELLED', 'FAILED']:
            raise ExportToS3Failure('Export failure to S3')
        return False


Get the set child class of the log group you want to export with LogGroup. \ _ \ _ Subclasses \ _ \ _ (). \ _ \ _ subclasses \ _ \ _ () returns a list, so turn it with a for statement. You can only run one CloudWatch Logs export task at a time in your account, so hit the describe_export_tasks API to see if the task is complete. If it is not completed, I try to wait 5s. Since create_export_task is an asynchronous API, we have no choice but to poll it that way.

def export_to_s3(exporter: Exporter, target: Type[LogGroup]) -> bool:
    task_id = exporter.export(target)
    logger.info(f'{target.log_group}Is being exported to S3({task_id=})')

    while True:
        status = exporter.get_export_progress(task_id)
        if exporter.finishes(status):
            return True

def main(event: Any, context: Any) -> bool:
    exporter = Exporter(region='ap-northeast-1')
    targets = LogGroup.__subclasses__()
    logger.info(f'The log group to be exported is{len(targets)}Pieces')

    for target in targets:
            export_to_s3(exporter, target)
        except GetExportTaskError as err:
            logger.warning(f'{target.log_group}Failure to get progress')
        except Exception as err:
            logger.error(f'{target.log_group}Failed to export to S3')
            logger.info(f'{target.log_group}Export to S3')

    return True


The following is a partial excerpt. Set up an IAM Role so that Lambda can create export tasks and get task information. Then I want to run the export every day at JST 14:00, so specify cron (0 5 * *? *) For events. CloudWatch Events runs in UTC, so if you do -9h, it will run at JST 14:00 as expected.

    - Effect: 'Allow'
        - 'logs:createExportTask'
        - 'logs:DescribeExportTasks'
        - 'arn:aws:logs:${self:provider.region}:${self:custom.accountId}:log-group:*'

    handler: src/handler.main
    memorySize: 512
    timeout: 120
      - schedule: cron(0 5 * * ? *)
      TZ: Asia/Tokyo

in conclusion

homoluctus / lambda-cwlogs-s3 also has a CloudFormation template for creating GitHub Actions and destination S3. Please refer to it.


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