Challenge problem 5 with Python: lambda ... I decided to copy without

kota9 Challenge 5 problems that software engineers should solve in 1 hour. I learned a lot. You think about recurrence like this.

Try to write using lambda

So I gave up the challenge and decided to copy it for later study. It's not fun to just copy it, so it's just lambda binding again.

box=lambda *x:x
unbox=lambda x:x[-1]

It is preparation. I want to use my own switch. Since I made it, I also use my own foldl.

foldl=(lambda f,acc,xs:
        xs == [] and do( acc )
        or      do( foldl(f, f(acc, xs[0]), xs[1:]) )

With the function f_n that takes two integers together A function ff_n that takes a list of integers and attaches them together. It feels like int and str are not cool.

f_n=lambda x,y:int(str(x)+str(y))

ff_n=lambda xs:foldl(f_n,0,xs)

The main subject from here. I tried to make a list of integers for extensibility.

f_5=(lambda NUMS, n,M:
    (lambda digits=NUMS[:n],
    (lambda n_digits=ff_n(digits):
        out.append(str(n_digits)) if n_digits==M else None,
        [[ out.append(x + "+" + str(ff_n(digits[-i:n]))) 
        	for x in f_5(NUMS, n-i , M - ff_n(digits[-i:n])) ] for i in r_n ],
        [[ out.append(x + "-" + str(ff_n(digits[-i:n]))) 
        	for x in f_5(NUMS, n-i , M + ff_n(digits[-i:n])) ] for i in r_n ],

ff_5=lambda NUMS, M: f_5(NUMS, len(NUMS), M)

print ff_5(NUMS,100)

did it. It seems that it can be a list of positive integers. If you try to find a pattern that becomes 1000 with a suitable number list

>>> ff_5([1,5,4,2,3,7,9,34,57,64,23],1000)
['15-4+2+37+934+57-64+23', '1+5-42-3+7+934+57+64-23']

You can append ...

Since the original is written with + =, I was a little worried about how to accumulate the return value. You can probably define [] in the argument out by default and add elements to it with append, right? When I wrote it, it seems that it works as it is. This is almost ...

Isn't it a level that can be assigned?

For example

a=(lambda :
   (lambda b=[]:

You can store the calculation results in an empty list and use them later. It's almost a local variable, isn't it? this. When I run it

>>> a()

You can reassign by popping and inserting. I won't do it. It's going to be crap.

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