Python CGI file created on Windows

Note that it took a lot of time to move the Python CGI file I was trying in the local environment of Windows to Mac OS X. Assuming a CGI file called under the cgi-bin folder.

Reference URL:

(1) Check / change the permissions of CGI files

cd cgi-bin
ls -lF
chmod 755 #Can be executed by all users, but cannot be written by anyone other than the owner

(2) Check the line feed code Unix, Mac OS X: LF Mac OS (up to version 9): CR Windows: CR-LF To match.

nkf -Lu --overwrite

Overwrite the original file and set the line feed code to LF.

Or, if you think about removing CR from a file created on Windows (reference:

with open('', 'rb+') as f:
    content =
    f.write(content.replace(b'\r', b''))

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