--Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019
Let's download the exe file from the following URL
After the download is complete, run python-3.8.2.exe to install Python.
Check the PATH where Python is installed. In this case:
Once Python is installed, you can also use "Pip javax Packages", commonly known as pip.
Install with the following command
Install virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
After installing virtualenv, prepare a virtual environment for Python
Create a virtual environment
virtualenv C:\Users\xxxxx\venv
The meaning of the command is as follows.
virtualenv [File path to create\Virtual environment name]
The method of using (activating) the virtual environment created last is as follows.
Execute the activate.bat batch under Scripts. Then (venv) is displayed.
(venv) C:\Users\xxxxxxx\venv\Scripts>
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