Integrate Modelica and Python on Windows

This is the method of linking Modelica and Python introduced in "I want to easily build a model-based development environment".


The purpose of this time is to perform the following operations.

-** Create a physical model with Modelica. ** ** -** Compile the physical model into FMU format with Python's PyModelica module (JModelica). ** ** -** Calculate the FMU file with Python's PyFMI module (JModelica). ** ** -** Display the calculation result as a graph with Python's Matplotlib module. ** **

Environmental setting

Execution environment

Installation of Anaconda2


Build a Python execution environment in Anaconda as a coupled simulation master. Since JModelica described later supports only Python2 32bit, Anaconda also uses the one that supports it. (Even if another Python environment is already installed, I think that there is no problem if you install it additionally.)

Download the "Python 2.7 version (32bit)" version of the installer from the following page. Download Anaconda Now! | Continuum

Run the downloaded installer and basically keep the defaults. Set the installation folder to C: \ Anaconda2.

Install JModelica

Install JModelica to use the Python modules PyModelica and PyFMI.


Download the latest installer from the page below. Download |

When installing the Python module, select the installation destination to be C: \ Anaconda2.

Create a Modelica model

This time, we will use the Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Exsamples.Motor introduced in" Using OpenModelica on Windows" saved in Modelica format. ..

I saved it in of" ozawaat / FMI_Motor ", so please use this.

Save in a suitable location.

Compile the Modelica model into FMU format

Launch Python from JModelica

Manipulate Python in the folder where is stored. Use one of the following to start Python.

  1. Open IPython from [Windows mark at the bottom left of the screen] → [] and go to the console. `` `! Cd C: \ [folder where is stored] \ ``` Enter to move the folder.

  2. Copy ʻIPython.bat from C: \ the same folder Double-click on this ʻIPython.bat to open IPython.


Compile the Modelica file into FMU

Save the following files in the same folder as

from pymodelica import compile_fmu
model_name = 'Motor'
mo_file = ''
my_fmu = compile_fmu(model_name, mo_file, target='cs')

From the IPython console


 Enter to compile `` and create` Motor.fmu`.

# Calculate FMU in Python and display it on the graph

 Save the following files in the same folder as ``.

#### **``**

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyfmi import load_fmu

model = load_fmu('Motor.fmu')
opts = model.simulate_options()
opts["ncp"] = 1000

res = model.simulate(final_time=100000, options=opts)

T1 = res['Twinding.T']
T2 = res['Tcore.T']
t = res['time']

plt.plot(t, T1, label="Twinding.T")
plt.plot(t, T2, label="Tcore.T")
plt.xlabel('time [sec]')
plt.ylabel('Temperature [K]')

From the IPython console


 If you enter, `Motor.fmu` will be calculated on Python and the graph below will be displayed.


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