This is the method of linking Modelica and Python introduced in "I want to easily build a model-based development environment".
The purpose of this time is to perform the following operations.
-** Create a physical model with Modelica. ** ** -** Compile the physical model into FMU format with Python's PyModelica module (JModelica). ** ** -** Calculate the FMU file with Python's PyFMI module (JModelica). ** ** -** Display the calculation result as a graph with Python's Matplotlib module. ** **
Build a Python execution environment in Anaconda as a coupled simulation master. Since JModelica described later supports only Python2 32bit, Anaconda also uses the one that supports it. (Even if another Python environment is already installed, I think that there is no problem if you install it additionally.)
Download the "Python 2.7 version (32bit)" version of the installer from the following page. Download Anaconda Now! | Continuum
Run the downloaded installer and basically keep the defaults. Set the installation folder to C: \ Anaconda2
Install JModelica to use the Python modules PyModelica and PyFMI.
Download the latest installer from the page below. Download |
When installing the Python module, select the installation destination to be C: \ Anaconda2
This time, we will use the Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Exsamples.Motor
introduced in" Using OpenModelica on Windows" saved in Modelica format. ..
I saved it in
of" ozawaat / FMI_Motor ", so please use this.
in a suitable location.
Manipulate Python in the folder where
is stored. Use one of the following to start Python.
Open IPython from [Windows mark at the bottom left of the screen] → [] and go to the console. `` `! Cd C: \ [folder where is stored] \ ``` Enter to move the folder.
Copy ʻIPython.bat from
C: \ the same folder as Double-click on this ʻIPython.bat
to open IPython.
Save the following files in the same folder as
from pymodelica import compile_fmu
model_name = 'Motor'
mo_file = ''
my_fmu = compile_fmu(model_name, mo_file, target='cs')
From the IPython console
Enter to compile `` and create` Motor.fmu`.
# Calculate FMU in Python and display it on the graph
Save the following files in the same folder as ``.
#### **``**
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyfmi import load_fmu
model = load_fmu('Motor.fmu')
opts = model.simulate_options()
opts["ncp"] = 1000
res = model.simulate(final_time=100000, options=opts)
T1 = res['Twinding.T']
T2 = res['Tcore.T']
t = res['time']
plt.plot(t, T1, label="Twinding.T")
plt.plot(t, T2, label="Tcore.T")
plt.xlabel('time [sec]')
plt.ylabel('Temperature [K]')
From the IPython console
If you enter, `Motor.fmu` will be calculated on Python and the graph below will be displayed.

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