Retry with python requests


It will retry at intervals of the number of seconds specified by backoff_factor x the number of retries. In the following cases, the first retry is 1 second and the second retry is 2 seconds. Retry when the status code specified in status_forcelist is returned or when it times out. The parameters that can be specified for Retry are described in here.

import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter

s = requests.Session()

retries = Retry(total=5,
                status_forcelist=[ 500, 502, 503, 504 ])

s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
s.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))

r = s.request('GET', 'http://localhost:5000', timeout=2, headers={'Authorization': 'foobar'})


If you use a library called retry, you can go! I thought, but with this library, it seems that it is not possible to sort the processing by status code.

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